Trouble swallowing
Member Posts: 17
My friend is having trouble at times with swallowing and food getting caught in throat, but too low for heimlich...what can we do?
I have years of experience with this. Mine started with my throat swelling shut some from the radiation, and from the scar tissue from surgery. What treatments/surgery/procedures has he had?0
Thanks Greg...he's had radiation and chemo for throat cancer 5 years ago. But now, because of teeth loss due to radiation, he is having great difficulty swallowing. He does not want to go and do the "green applesauce" procedure...But since it has been five years since radiation, we don't even know which of his doctors to contact for more info. you...must travel 2 hours to Wake Forest so, we have to make plans. Thank you...and sending good thoughts to you and Sweetie.0
Speech pathologists is one of the specialties that treats this problem
ENTs and Gastroenterologists also specialize in swallowing problems. Good luck and I hope things get better0 -
Take small bites, chew, and keep plenty of liquids on hand. It's been 7 years, and listening to me eat is unpleasant, and embarrassing at times.0
I had/have the problem with food getting stuck in my esophagus and it is a result of GERD. If I remember to take my medicine (Prilosec) regularly, I don't have pain nor does the food get stuck. When the food gets stuck, I literally end up throwing up in order to get it unstuck. Very embarrassing when you're at a restaurant...
(I have had radiation to my neck area (collarbone), but my problem is totally related to GERD, which might have something to do with some of the chemo treatments, but not with radiation. I can't remember, but I think I was already taking the Prilosec before the radiation.)0 -
Livewith--I take Zantac--I had great GERD problems before I had cancer. Before they came out with something stronger than Tums, My GERD sometimes made a huge bubble that kept me from swallowing. I was always treated nice by restaurant staff, but it is so embarrassing throwing up and trying to get out of the dining room.0
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