oxaliplatin cold sensitivity
Member Posts: 12
How long does it take before you feel cold sensitivity? My husband had his first chemo on Wednesday and had no cold sensations. He finally just had to try and see if he had a sensitivity and touched a can of coke in the refrigerator and had no issues, so he took a drink of chocolate commendation nothing. It was my understanding that the sensitivity would be immediate. Does anyone know when the sensitivity would begin? Hoping he will not have that side effect.
Everyone is different I didn't start till the second treatment (which was 6 years ago) but my friend who had chemo 13 days ago felt hers within 12 hours.0
Mine was immediate - I had my first infusion in late October, and when I opened the car door to leave the cancer center, it was like an electrical shock. I couldn't eat or drink anything cold for 5 five days. Everyone is different. But he'll know it if he develops cold sensitivity. That side effect is not as bad in the summer as it is in the winter.0
I also had the cold sensitivity in the winter starting with 2nd infusion could feel while still have the infusion of water was not warm enough. Touching and drinking anything cold was not good for about 7 days. Still have numbness in my feet, fingers are better.0
It was gradually built within one month. I had the refrigerator sensation and bright light sensitivity. My oncologist said this also happens with hot surfaces. I put oven gloves on to reach in the refrigerator.0
Like @JaneA my cold sensitivy was pretty much immediate. After every infusion I could not drink/eat anything cold (felt like an electric shock and throat constricting) and needed gloves to get stuff out of the fridge. Had to stop the oxaliplatin after 8 treatments because of neuropathy, which for me was loss of sensation in finger tips and toes (hasn't gone away - check with doctor to see what can be done to reduce this as much as possible during treament).0
My cold sensitivity started from chemo 1, but everyone is different. I did not have chemo induced peripheral neuropathy until one week after I finished my 12th round of chemo. I reacted to the Oxaliplatin during chemo 11 with flush face and hands and then the feeling of my throat closing which usually happens half way through the 12 rounds. Repeat everyone is different.0
Ditto with JaneAn and others - my husband's reaction was immediate.0
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