Member Posts: 4
I have had 4 reoccurrence .along with four successful chemo treatments.
Sorry you are having such a rough time on Lynparza . Sounds like you definitely need to be taken off of this med. First recurrence doctors usually go back to original chemo treatment but with each subsequent recurrence new medications and treatments are tried. It is a crap shoot which treatment works for each individual and for how long. Has your doctor or you thought about entering a clinical trial? I have a friend who after several recurrences was accepted into a clinical trial. It is early days yet but so far she has seen improvement and fingers are kept crossed.0
Hi Lynne
I came off of Lynparza and felt much better. I am back on a traditional chemo and so far so good, I have been on a few trials and they have helped. So far the traditional chemotherapies have been working for me. Memorial Sloan Kettering has many trials and if I qualify for any, they always offer. It really has become a chronic illness with me getting chemo, then take about a year off when the big C returns. I wish all the best for everyone! Stay strong.0
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