Finling supplemental policy claims
Member Posts: 742
I am disgusted with how the insurance companies have turned into places that try to not pay a claim first, then make you prove that they owe it or owe more before they pay what they should. I have a cancer policy that I lucked out and bought just before my 3rd diagnosis. We have wore that thing out! I recently sent in an itemized statement to file for surgery, anesthesiologists, room, etc. benefits. They sent a check for about half of what should have been sent and asked for another itemized statement. I have one now that is a little different from the original, I will send it now, then it will probably be another 2 months before I hear back again. It used to be simple. Send a bill in, they sent a check out, easy as that. Do you have trouble getting your claims paid?
I don't have a supplemental policy but i am sorry to hear what you are going through.
I am getting ready to deal with the VA on paying expenses that Medicare didn't pay for my husband's ER visit, ambulance ride between hospitals, and procedures. Just finding the right phone number to call has been a challenge. I might have the right place to call now , but they are only open from 10 - 2. Great...0 -
I was an insurance agent for almost 10 years in the 80's, back then it was simple, give me a hospital bill and a doctor's bill and in about 2 weeks you would have a check. Now, 6 months go by before you get a final bill that the insurance company wants, then it won't have the right code on it, so it takes another 2 or 3 months to get something paid. And, then it won't pay everything that it should.0
I has just turned 65 when I got laid off and instead of paying COBRA (which was almost $400/month, I began Medicare. I couldn't afford to sign up for supplemental policy and now can't one at a decent price due to Stage IV cancer history. We've been fortunate that we got copay assistance until we reached max out of pocket, which is $6,700. The costs are unreal.0
The whole system is so broken, it's very discouraging. And having to deal with this while simultaneously enduring the difficulties of the cancer itself is just so wrong. I used to have a insurance company triage nurse who would call me every few weeks to check on my progress and also willing to help with claims issues. I know there are professionals you can hire to help you with this, but that's just throwing more money at a problem that shouldn't exist to start with. Sigh......0
We both have Medicare with a Supplementary plan or in our case Medigap or Plan C. It's very helpful if you're incurring a lot of medical bills as both my wife and I are presently. It is imperative for our needs as everything we encounter is covered. The policies themselves are much higher than the cost of Medicare. We very rarely get a bill and when we do it's because of some error. I know it does vary by state as far as the cost is concerned and the type of plan available. I hope this helps @GregP_WN.0
I am very fortunate to be the dependent of a retired Marine. Everything I have had done for cancer treatment since December has probably cost me ≤ $400 out of pocket. People will complain about military healthcare and Tricare, but it has been a godsend for us. I know trying to get help from the VA is a whole different animal.
I thank God every day that they do take care of retired family members. We have Prime since we are near a military treatment facility, so that does help with lab work and stuff.0 -
We're both on Medicare with a Medigap policy now so all bills go to Medicare then our supplement. Before this hubby was on SSDI with private healthcare that his workplace graciously covered until he hit 65. I'm going to assume with your history that your on SSDI and have Medicare part A at least. It depends what you have for the Part B and D.0
Paper pusher. No I am only 60 and still on private insurance. I have started the process for disability, but apparently, I'm not dead enough yet to qualify.0
Greg with all you've been through, I would have thought you'd be a shoe-in for SSDI. I know it usually takes more than one try to get it but this is ridiculous. Sometimes it takes a lawyer to file for you. Allsup is who we used. It's their specialty.0
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