Has anyone heard from Shelby?
Member Posts: 742
I know she has a relapse and was preparing to get started again.
I haven't seen any updates from her. :-(0
I thought she posted something yesterday, but maybe I am thinking of someone else.0
I haven't heard from her lately either. I hope she's okay. I'll post on her wall and see if she answers. She was having to wait to start treatment until her wound healed and that was going to take awhile as I recall.0
I don't recall seeing a post from her lately but it is really good to see you posting. It's nice that you are always thinking of us. When you feel up to it give us an update about yourself. Prayers for you and "Sweetie" both.0
I sent her an email to check up on her condition. I'll let you know if I hear back from her.0
From Shelby
JP drain got infected, but worse, I stopped eating. Food sounded disgusting. Turns out that was mostly thrush. Woo hoo. But I was freaking out because the wound vac kept screaming at me for an entire night.
Next day, I already had an appointment with my surgeon scheduled. I emotionally barfed all over him. He decided between the infection and my mental state, he shipped me back to the hospital. I was in for about 5 days. I begged for skilled nursing. I'm getting pt and ot. Food sucks, but I'm getting stronger and am feeling more confident. I expect they will punt me maybe next week.0 -
Glad to learn you've heard from Shelby. Sure sounds like she's been through the wringer but hopefully things will be looking up if she can get infection and everything else under control. Good vibes traveling her way now too.0
Thanks for the update on Shelby!!! I had been worrying about her.0
I can attest to the feeling of being so down that you don't even have the energy or desire to even post an update. That's where I've been for the last two weeks. As I go day by day I am getting a little more energy back and able to post a little more. I'm sure Shelby will too, as she gets back to feeling a bit better. She promised to keep us updated.0
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