What works best for you for anit-nausea from chemo?
Member Posts: 52
I'm looking for what choices there are, I've asked the nurse giving me treatment but she just said, 'oh there are lots of them', and left the room. Not helpful. I want to compare, try something different.
I went back and looked at my chemo bill for you. I had FOLFOX, and I think that's what you're getting. I had Fosaprepitant given via IV, and it's all that I ever took - so it worked well. Once in a while, I would feel queasy mid-afternoon, and I sucked on some candied ginger (you get it in the spice aisle of the grocery store).
My oncologist prescribed Zofran for me to take while I was on oral chemo (Xeloda). I took one in the morning, and it lasted all day. I hope this info helps.0 -
In 12 years, I have had 20 different drugs. Most of them known for nausea. Yet, I have thrown up a total of exactly 4 times in those 12 years. I was taught to use Zofran ahead of time, so that is what I did. As well, Ativan (Lorazepam) helps if nervousness or anxiety play a part - and they certainly do. I carried Zofran tabs with me 24/7. The moment I felt the nausea beginning, I popped a tablet under my tongue and allowed it to dissolve, just as heart patients do with their nitro pills. Within 3-5 minutes, it was gone. It worked every time I tried it.
One other trick you could try once it sets in and the burping begins (although some may think you are nuts), is to thump on your sternum with your fist, somewhat forcefully and in rapid succession. It seems to break up the bubbles in your stomach and delays the process long enough for the Zofran to kick in.
As to that nurse, a bad day or just one of the few 'Nurse Ratchets' lingering around. Still, they should be more than happy to teach you the methods that work, as they will be cleaning the mess up!
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I haven’t had chemo or taken Zoltan, but I hear great things about Zoltan. My grandmother swore by wearing sea bands (little pressure point bracelets.) Her nausea presented like motion sickness. I can’t say for sure how it would work with chemo, but Emetrol works for me if I get super nauseated.
As to the unhelpful nurse, maybe she has suggested things to patients before and caught heat for it, either from a doctor or a patient that didn’t have great luck with what she suggested.
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I took Ativan for nausea as Zofran and compazine didn't cut it. My Onc switched my IV from Zofran to Emend too.0
Ditto on the Zolfran - it worked great for me too.0
I take Olanzepine for 4 nights starting the night before chemo for early onset nausea, I take Varubi an hour before chemo for late onset nausea, I get Aloxi injection while on chemo, and I have compazine and Zofran for breakthrough nausea.0
I had 3 different nausea pills that I took the morning of chemo. Zofran was one of them.
I'm currently still on olanzapion and stemetil for my nausea as I still get it daily.0 -
Zofran (odasteran) Could not take Ativan- just threw up. I prefer the dissolve under the tongue pills.0
I was also switched to Emend and had dissolvable zofran if needed.0
The only thing that worked at all for me was chewing on candied ginger. No medicine my oncologist tried helped at all. We tried all kinds of things but they didn't help. The ginger helped a ton.0
Zofran was what helped my husband the most. The compazine only helped when given IV.0
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