No, I've never smoked, the answer to my most asked question!
Member Posts: 13
Never chewed, don't drink, eat well, exercise, do all the things a person should do to stay healthy. Boom-cancer anyway. Did any of you have no risk factors but were diagnosed anyway?
I’m convinced that many cancers and other health conditions (heart disease in particular) are genetic related. Far too many people have your experience and despite doing all we can to be healthy, we can’t change our genetic predispositions.0
Yep, agree with Dawsonmom. I've had 3 major cancers & too many to count of Basal Cells & pre-cancer conditions and surgeries.
I have a friend who is a cancer research doc at a major university, he said he would be shocked if I didn't have a genetic disposition for cancer.0 -
Me either, I have a body that's broken down, beaten up, scarred, parts are missing, parts of it are trying to kill me, and yet when they start going through a questionnaire asking about medical problems I always say that "I'm healthy as a good horse, except for this cancer that keeps trying to kill me". We didn't have a family doctor when I was a kid. I was part of the "rub some dirt on it and go on" generation. I've always been healthy, never went to the doctor everytime my nose was running, like people do these days. I just bypassed all of that stuff and went straight to cancer.0
I've always been healthy too, this just showed up one day.0
Yep. Healthy as a horse (like Greg!!!). Never sick with anything. Hadn't been to a doctor for any reason in 10 years before diagnosis and when I did go, it was because I was gaining weight that I couldn't lose and thought I needed thyroid pills. My dad was the same. I remember him having the flu one time when I was growing up. Never a cold, nothing. But, then at age 48, he got diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer...0
I'm a firm believer that cancer is more about bad luck than about bad choices. Yes, some bad choices can contribute to cancer but questions arise whether that in fact caused the cancer.0
I'm in this group. the devil/cancer is like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour. it decided that it wanted those that was not in his arena so he came after us.0
It's amazing to me that people still ask that question!0
Add me to that list too, never a problem.0
There has to be some kind of genetic component. My dad was Type 1 diabetic and had CAD. He smoked from the time he was teen until he had to have bypass surgery. No cancer. It was his diabetes and CAD that took him out bit by bit.0
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