What kind of side effects have you had from treatments or directly from cancer?

GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
edited 2020 09 in General Cancer
Were any of them embarrassing? Strange? Funny? Our blog post today talks about the importance of relaying on to your doctor any side effects you may be dealing with, embarrassing, or not. They could be serious, or just an odd thing. Take a look at our article here, https://bit.ly/3cHUA6d, and comment below on what type of side effects you have had.


  • cllinda
    cllinda Member Posts: 153
    edited 2020 08
    My worst was bloody noses. I remember waking up with a bloody face and my husband washing my face with a warm washcloth. It happened a few times. That was the worst.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 08
    I had a really drippy nose while I was getting carboplatin, avastin and alimta. It was awful. The only other side effects were the same as many get - extreme nausea, horrific fatigue. I have weight gain that I detest, in part because treatment caused thyroid issues. The treatment also caused me to have GERD which means that my food sometimes gets stuck in my esophagus ... I have had to throw up (usually just clear liquid) several times when eating at a restaurant - that's VERY embarrassing.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 08
    When I just had cancer I was fine. Didn't even know I had it. But then they set out to "cure" me. Oh, boy. I have Chronic Fatigue, I had inflammation of one of the membranes in my eyes, any kind of bright light was excruciating, then I ended up having to have eye surgery for a hole in my retina (may or may not have been tied to chemo), I have stomach ulcers ( may or may not be tied to chemo), I have worsening osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis (may or may not be tied to chemo/radiation),of course, chemo brain, although I have worked to improve my focus and concentration, and then just to round things out PTSD with occasional flashbacks and panic attacks. So all in all this has been a fun ride. Noting really embarrassing except perhaps when I'm in a store and can't count money correctly because my brain just refuses to work.
  • MLT
    MLT Member Posts: 89
    Xeloda causes hand/foot syndrome. Last cycle mine was severe, couldn't walk or use my hands for anything. Better now, very tender fingertips. Dr reduced dose, but can't reduce anymore. Halfway thru this cycle, hoping it doesn't get worse.