What sort of side effects from cancer have you, do you/did you have BEFORE treatment started?

GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
edited 2020 02 in General Cancer
I can feel fatigue starting to sneak in a little bit, the pain in both sides of my neck is progressing, swallowing is becoming more difficult, and now this morning I woke up with a swollen bottom lip. That's a new thing, I haven't hit my face with anything so I have no idea what might be causing that. We talk about side effects of chemo and radiation a lot, but there are also side effects of the cancer.


  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 02
    I had no side effects at all. No symptoms of cancer to start with or ever. Lungs have no feelings, which is one reason lung cancer is often late stage by the time it is diagnosed.

    I'm sorry that you're experiencing those symptoms and hope the treatment will take care of them quickly!!! Did you say you start treatments this week?
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 02
    The oncologist that I will be seeing is also in charge of the clinical trial at Vanderbilt that I will be taking part in, He told us that this Tuesday he will let us know what has happened so far with the genetic testing on my tumor, that controls everything, and then when we can start. He said most likely will be not this coming week but next week. These weeks keep adding up, 2 at a time x a bunch equals a month or two has gone by.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 02
    I can only imagine how anxious you are to get started on this. It seems every day is bringing new suffering for you and for that I can only say I am so sorry.

    I had no idea before I was diagnosed. Came totally out of the blue for me. If I had not gone in for routine mammography who knows how long it would have gone undetected. In hindsight the only clue might have been increased fatigue. At the time I had just chalked that up to the effects of aging.
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 02
    Greg, I know how you feel with the waiting. My primary symptom was rectal bleeding that began in late June. In retrospect, I got tired before the end of my work day.

    Saw my primary care physician in mid-July. Probably hemorrhoids, and I ask for referral for a colonoscopy. Had to wait six weeks for appt. as a new referral. They fast-tracked me for colonoscopy after the PA felt a tumor during my digital rectal exam. Biopsy confirm cancer in mid-Sept. It took until October 20th before I had my first chemo. 4 months, but I'm still here. Waiting is the worst.
  • Paperpusher
    Paperpusher Member Posts: 78
    edited 2020 02
    Hubby had a nasty morning cough. His PCP brushed it off as smoker's cough. He then got an invitation to take part in a study for long term smokers. They're the ones who found his cancer. A persistent cough was also the symptom of it's return. HIs PCP kissed it off as allergies this time. Thank goodness for his cardiologist who sent him for an X-ray.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 02
    There is no telling how many diagnoses are brushed off as something simple. If I had not of pushed for more tests and to look deeper even my doctor at a well respected cancer center would have let it go too long.
  • MarcieB
    MarcieB Member Posts: 528
    edited 2020 02
    I had some slight discoloration on my breast (no lump that I could feel) and some pain behind my shoulder blade on that side. I thought the shoulder pain was stemming from the way I leaned on that elbow when I was at the computer. But, I had night sweats. I never had them before, not even through menopause.They ended almost immediately after I began chemo.
  • JustGrateful
    JustGrateful Member Posts: 72
    edited 2020 02
    I had a visible lump and it could obviously be felt. Other than that, I didn't have any body function changes, or pain, or anything else really.