Do you find that these holiday weekends that provide an opportunity to get together with your family
Member Posts: 31
Since my diagnosis I enjoy these opportunities to get together with family and friends. We will have a good size group of people at our house tomorrow and I so look forward to these days. This one will be a little strange, everyone will be required to have a mask on and no hugging me. We are trying to be cautious. But I plan on enjoying our time. It's a shame it takes near death to bring us closer together.
I can definitely vouch for the fact that the family gatherings seem more cherished. I think we glimpse our own mortality, even if just for a moment. Enjoy the moments no matter what they look like.0
I hope you have a wonderful time!0
This weekend 11 years ago we were having our first cookout in a series of cookouts that ran from that Memorial Day until last year July 4th. I completed my radiation treatments in April of 2009 and to celebrate I told Donna to tell everyone in the family and any of our friends that wanted to come to be at our house. We were going to enjoy being with everyone because we never know when the opportunity to do so will be taken away from us. We have had 40 to 50 people here before at our cookouts. I will stay up all night cooking pork butts, shoulders, ribs, brisket, and chicken.
So yes, I understand exactly what you mean and how you feel. I hope you have a great get together.0 - depends on where you are. In my state we are still not supposed to gather. My husband's children (and our grandchildren) all live in different states so we are not accustomed to being together for this holiday. We usually have friends over, or go to one of their picnics, but we are still in *shelter-in-place* orders - and our governor has made it quite clear they are orders - not suggestions. Right now it looks like my husband and I will be grilling burgers for ourselves and later watch some Netflix. Unless we get crazy and head for the Dairy Queen!0
We do Zoom .. they're all in different parts of the country!0
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