Side Affects
Member Posts: 8
Well hope some one can help me. I went through Ileostomy in Jan. started taking Chemo pills in March for 4 months to finish cancer treatment. My problem is the side affects I am having now taking these pills then when I was taking them for radiation. I get really dizzy and can't walk far without it over coming me and I have to sit for a minute. Can any one help, any ideas about the dizziness? Also I have been having nausa really bad on the week that I don't take the pills. I do have nauseas pills for this. I get bloated in my stomach and feel like things aren't passing threw the stoma, and last I am having problems with to much going out and not engough electro lights. Problem is drinking drinks with those in them makes me throw up even the baby ones what can I do , to boost me?
I had a completely different Cancer. But one thing we have in common is that we both have educated doctors that should be told of any problems we may be having. It could be serious. It could be as simple as a med change. Please call your doctor and speak with him, or at least his nurse.0
I have had 4 different types of cancer than you, and I too, have had dizziness. Usually mine is associated with lack of air. I was coughing so much I would lose my breath, get dizzy, and sometimes pass out. I've had a laryngectomy in Jan. 2020 and that coughing until pass out deal has passed. But now, I have a mucus production problem and that mucus blocks my airways and I get dizzy, feel like I can't breathe. As Andreacha said, your doctor should know. But I know how it is, you probably don't think about it until it's happening. I've been to the ER twice with this issue. Since then I've learned that my problem is just blocked air and I know that I need to squirt some saline in my stoma and cough it up, or suction it out.
I hope you get yours figured out. Let us know what you find out.0 -
Are you on xeloda? I was on it several years ago and handled it extremely well, except for the fact that it made me dizzy. I’d certainly check with your oncologist though.0
I would definitely talk to my oncologist about your dizziness which could result in a serious fall. Perhaps they can adjust your dosage.
Do you have some anti-nausea pills? My oncologist prescribed me a couple of different kinds, and they were really cheap. I usually took one first thing in the morning, and it worked all day - but I believe that you can take them several times a day. Your oncologist doesn't want you to suffer in silence. Call and they'll be willing to help you with this.
I don't tolerate any of those shakes or drinks very well. I have a permanent colostomy. They make me nauseated and/or bloated. You might try the Pedialyte frozen pops instead. The coldness and being frozen so that you are sucking on them instead of drinking might work.
Best wishes. Remember that this isn't going to last forever, and do the best that you can.0 -
Good idea about the pedialyte pops: I have found that the electrolyte flavored drinks make me queasy, but I like electrolyte water like Smart Water or Life Water. I never liked Gatorade, Powerade or those sorts of drinks. Very chemical taste to me.
I’m not on chemo or chemo pills but I’ve had some digestive issues and other issues in the past that called for me to do electrolyte drinks.0
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