Medical needs and back up generators
Member Posts: 742
This round of storms we had on Saturday afternoon stirred some thoughts about "what if". I have a suction machine for the mucus that I build up, in case my airway gets plugged it could be life saving. Other people need oxygen machines running, some have IV pumps, etc. There are a lot that depend on electricity. Do any of you have back up generators for the "just in case"?
We don't have a medical need, but we have one of those portable battery chargers that you can charge a cell phone or rechargeable flashlight. We live in an area that sometimes gets hit by a hurricane of ice storm and we've lost power for 4-5 days.
I have a friend who lives in CA where, during fire season, they have planned black-outs. She has a Yeti All-In-One Power Station. It's about $200. This would probably be the right product for you to have. Here's the link with a video. You are right to consider the "what ifs." -
Living in the North Country where there are often storm related power outages and more likely to happen in the winter when it can get real cold real fast, I do have a portable generator. During infamous "Ice Storm '98" we were on generator for 13 days. Haven't had to use it, knock on wood, in a few years but it is good to know it's there if needed. But, fortunately, don't require it for medical needs.0
That would be a handy alternative to have Jane, thanks for the link.0
We have a generator, but it is at our old house, 45 minutes away. I presume it still works and that if we really needed it, we could get it over here. It is really, really loud, but if one of us needed it to stay alive, that would definitely not be a great concern!!!0
I would love to have a generator. Preferably the type that goes on and shuts off by itself. I would also love to have a person that would keep an eye on the fuel for it also. Far too expensive for me. I use an o2 concentrator 24/7. Last year we lost our power for 30 hours. I have about 15 small tanks that you would carry on your shoulder. I also have 6 of the larger that you'd push or pull on wheels. And, last but not least, I have one behind one of my bedroom doors that is as tall as me
5'2" and nearly as wide. I use 3 liters for a setting normally, but if I just sit and read with a portable
Coleman lantern (6 volt batteries) I could turn it down to 2 "conserve", not continuous flow and be ok. I've never had to use the big green monster (whose name reminds me of Fenway Park) yet and I hope I don't have to. It gives me great peace of mind knowing it's there.
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