I have a surgery coming up in a couple weeks. The scheduling nurse just called to ask If I have been
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She said I would have to have the test results with me when I come to check in for the surgery, or I won't be able to have the surgery. Has anyone else had to do this?
This is why we need rapid result on site testing. You could be tested today and test negative. By the time you show up for your surgery in 2 weeks you could be (heaven forbid) positive. I can understand why they want you to get tested to protect doctors, nurses etc... In the OR. Elective surgeries have just been opened back up in upstate NY but I haven't heard of this condition. To me it makes sense but only if test happens at time of (or as near as realistically possible) surgery.0
So, I just read that for counties in New York that have been given the go ahead for elective surgeries all patients have to be tested for Covid19 no less than three days before. Makes sense.0
I was told this just yesterday. Or I should say, sweetie was told that. I have to have a corona test two days before, and I have to have a hard copy of the results with me. In my little poduck town getting the results in two days is going to be almost impossible. So, we can drive to Vanderbilt and have the test the day before my surgery. I think that's what we will do.0
I just heard this on the news yesterday. As I heard it, all hospitals will have to have covid-19 results before doing any elective surgeries. @TOUGHERTHANIT, I hope you can easily find a site for testing and receive your results in a timely fashion, so you can go ahead with your procedure. Keep us posted. Take care.0
My hospital has people sitting at tables outside the entrances to take everyone's temp, then put a sticker on them that says "screened". The entrances have been limited to just a few so everyone has to go through just a few doors. It's all strange.0
My daughter in law works in the ER at a busy south Florida hospital and they have a rapid test. Gives them results right away.
You would hope all hospitals and surgical centers will soon have these.0 -
I've wondered about the temperature thing. Do you run a temperature immediately upon becoming contagious? Or is it possible to be asymptomatic but still have the virus? I would think, but I could be so wrong, that checking temperatures would catch a lot of the people who could have the virus, but not all. But, maybe temperature is a requirement and occurs immediately...0
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