Looks like immunotherapy might be in my future. Who has had Opdivo or Keytruda?
Member Posts: 742
Opdivo is used a lot for H & N as well as lung. I now @LiveWithCancer was or is still on it. Anyone else? Side effects? It's been a long time since I took any type of treatment. (chemo wise)
Immunotherapy ( I had two of Keytruda and then 4 months later started Imfinzi every 2 weeks for a year) is not chemo. It is a walk in the park on a spring day in comparison. Very little if any side effects. The Keytruda romped, stomped and pulverized a tumor in 2 treatments making it disappear. An ugly open thoracic surgery was cancelled. I finished the year of Imfinzi in October and now on fingers and toes crossed every 3 month active survalience. Keytruda has turned cancer treatment around in multitude of types. I think of it as my magic powder. Hope it is yours, too. Hugs!0
Thanks for your feedback. I've read lots of great responses from people that have had Opdivo or Keytruda. I'm feeling more inspired!
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Immunotherapy for most of us doesn't compare to chemotherapy. It is far easier to handle for most of us ... in fact, lots of us have very few side effects. My thyroid quit working right away, but otherwise, I didn't have many side effects until I had been on it for 5 or 6 years ... and then it was just a minor rash ... but I'd been on it for so long, we decided to take a break.
I felt somewhat fatigued the day I got the immunotherapy treatment and the next day (but the fatigue doesn't even begin to compare to the fatigue that accompanied chemo and/or radiation). If I didn't have something to do on the day following treatment, I was glad to be able to stay at home and rest. But, if there was something I wanted or needed to do that next day, i certainly could pony up and do it.0 -
Either of those are slated for me should my RCC flare up again. There are lots of good outcomes with either of them. Any idea when you will be starting? After all you've been through it's time you got a break.0
I never though I would look forward to any kind of treatment, but if I could start it today I would say give it to me. This recurrence is apparently a bit aggressive based on my doctor's comments. As for when I will start, it will be at some point after next Wednesday's surgery. For now I think it's a matter of open it up and see what they are dealing with. She said one spot will need a biopsy while the lymph node will be taken out. She said the path forward will be determined by whether or not the spot is cancer. My money is on that it is. I can't give an explanation of anything else that would have caused this spot to just appear inside my throat. The CT scan results said it didn't LOOK like anything cancerous, but neither did the lesion that started this whole party.
So in the meantime, I sit and wait. Each day both spots in my throat are getting a little sorer. When I wake up it's taking more time to get them to stop hurting. So come on Wednesday, 10 days away still. Time is still crawling like a drunk snail.0 -
My team has suggested Keytruda as possible next step when my throat cancer becomes active again. Literature gives great success stories and minimal side affects compared to chemo. I wish you the best when you start and looking forward to your reports. You will do well.0
@GregP_WN, what do you do to get the spots to quit hurting?
Wishing with you that the days would speed by so that you can get some answer and start treatment if that's the next step.0
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