Has anyone had experience with Keytruda
Member Posts: 1
I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer on December 13, 2018 through an endoscopy/biopsy. From December through February 2019, I received 28 radiation treatments concurrent with 6 chemo treatments. I declined surgery due to age (85). On May 31, 2019, an endoscopy/biopsy showed that the cancer was gone and on September 23, 2019, a CT scan showed the cancer gone with no metastasizing. On February 20, 2020, an endoscopy/biopsy showed the cancer had returned in roughly the same spot. On February 25, 2020, a CT scan verified the findings and also indicated that the cancer had not metastasized. I tried to get Proton Beam therapy, but the radiologist felt that it was appropriate at that time. My oncologist then prescribed Keytruda (200mg) and I had my 1st infusion on March 6, 2020 followed by infusions on March 27, 2020 and on April 20, 2020. The next infusion will be on May 11, 2020. My oncologist feels that a CT scan would be appropriate following the last infusion. I am having minimal side effects from the Keytruda and I don't know if that is good or bad. My labs do not show any serious issues at this time. What has been your experience with Keytruda and has anyone gotten rid of the cancer by using this drug? Thx, Jack
Sorry, I've not tried it buy have heard some great success stories about it. There are people on this site that have been treated with Keytruda and I'm sure they will chime in with their experiences. Good luck.0
Not myself, but a friend started taking it a couple of years ago and did very well on it. Not many side effects and her cancer has stayed stable.0
Yes. Keytruda trampled a paratracheal lung nodule. Two treatments and I was able to avoid invasive and hurtful lung surgery. Keytruda has ‘changed game plans’ in the world of cancer. Let us know next scan results.0
I was given Opdivo, a cousin of Keytruda, for 5 or 6 years. It completely saved my life. My tumors are still there but stable ... while I was getting treatment, I was able to live life at the same time. Far superior to chemotherapy. I have been off of all treatments for a year and, at least as of the last scan, my immune system continues to hold the cancer at bay.0
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