As this virus is apparently starting to slow down, where are you on "starting back up"?

Member Posts: 31
I don't think it takes that much common sense. If a place like New York is still having cases by the thousands, everyone needs to stay put. But out in the middle of Montana where there probably isn't 100 cases in the state, they can probably start to move around. But people will need to have some common sense, and that's going to be the downfall I'm afraid.
While there are some places w low incidence of virus, too many are not. I fear people in GA, SC and FL are going to see a significant rise in cases once things open up there later this week. I hope people will use common sense but I have my doubts. All the science based info indicates those areas are not prepared to reopen and that is what I’m going with. If our governor reopens prematurely, husband and I have agreed we will continue to stay home until we feel safe to go out. It’s very distressing to see the protesters not following social distance recommendations and to block entry to a hospital is beyond unbelievable. I respect their right to protest, but they’ve crossed the line when sick people cannot get to the hospital bc of them. Shame on them.0
I think we have to be SO careful or we will have another wave of illnesses and deaths. I hear people comparing Covid19 to "just another flu" or "no worse than a bad cold ". What is so, so, so different about this virus is we human beings have NO natural immunity to it and there is NO cure. Those people going to the hospital, in many cases, thankfully, finally being released, are not being "cured". Their symptoms are being treated giving their body a chance to fight it off. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people have not been able to do that and have died. I don't like being stuck at home. I don't like being terrified for my mother's well being. I don't like that things are missing from grocery shelves. I don't like being fearful when I do need to venture out for groceries or go to the pharmacy. I don't like to read about the rise in domestic violence. I don't like that kids who used to get breakfast and lunch at school are going hungry. I don't like that peop!e who were living paycheck to paycheck now don't have a paycheck. I don't like alot about this but I prefer to believe in science. It will be tough going for a few more months, maybe longer as we wait for a vaccine. Better that than hundreds of thousands more of people dead and that's what it will be if we ignore The facts. The economy will come back eventually. Dead is dead, forever.
And I can cut my own hair.
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I so appreciate what Dawsonsmom and Bengal said here, and the question itself, Bloodproblems. And I agree that at this time, the best way to protect oneself and stop the spread of the virus is to stay home as much as possible.
If I lived in a state with small populations and lots of space (Montana or others), I’d still wait to stop sheltering until I got the go-ahead from local scientists and medical professionals.0 -
@Dawsonsmom and @Bengal, I live in SC, was born in GA and have a brother in FL. I am absolutely dumbfounded that the governors of these states are thinking we are ready to re-open. We are nowhere near ready to reopen. To further compound the problem, my brother and I both live in resort communities in our respective states- and much of the revenue in our areas is generated by tourism. While I don't want people to feel unwelcome, I do wish they would take into consideration how difficult the influx of extra people will be on our strained resources. They are not going to have the great vacation experiences to which they are accustomed. We have enough trouble keeping groceries in our stores for the residents here without people coming in to stay for the week and doing the usual Saturday rush on the grocery stores.
We already have a significant issue in that we have so many second-home owners who have fled hotspot states to come here. We can't tell them they can't because they are legal homeowners. They have, of course, brought extended family and friends to their "home" and they are staying in once they arrive here, but they are bringing more cases of infection with them as they go out and mingle when they first get here, do their two weeks of quarantine and then leave to go home having spread chaos while here. Now, we are not their problem and they will begrudge us for having so many cases and not having adequate supplies.0 -
We too have a large seasonal home population here on the edge of the Adirondacks. They usually don't show up in numbers until Memorial Day weekend but local communities and tourist organizations are asking them to PLEASE stay away. We have little enough resources for our year round population without over burdening the system with an influx of seasonal people. Do they have the right to come? Sure. Is it smart? No.0
It isn't slowing down in MI, and the protestors are fighting our govenor about opening things up.
Detroit is still a hot spot, hospitals are overcrowded, medical supplies are in great demand, and protestors are whining about the fact that they can't get a haircut or have a drink with their buddies at some bar. Some are saying they can't buy seeds for their gardens-- hey, it's 30 degrees & is still snowing!
Our state has many second homes up north, but the rules are keeping folks home, I think!
Did people complain and whine about such things during WW2? No, the men went off to fight Nazis, the women went to work in war industries. Boy have things changed.
This is a war of sorts, listen to the drs. and the scientists, and those who have the brains to help all of us stay healthy.0 -
This is a war. Maybe when some of these protesters start to feel it on a personal level, when their own loved ones start to die, they will get on board. And by being out there together without masks will pretty much guarantee that will happen! And we have to mobilise the whole country (not state by state) in order to fight this as if it were a war. Put people back to work where feasible but making the defense materials that we need.
Molly72, you mentioned the weather in MI. This morning it was 25 degrees here in Northern NY, overnight tonight may be in the teens. I've been waiting for the daffodils to blossom so I could take them to my mother at her senior home. They are all frozen. Something (racoon?) has been pulling my bird feeders down in the night and emptying them so I started bringing them inside overnight and putting then back out in the morning. I overslept this morning so was late getting them out. The poor little birds were frantic. No, I don't need garden seeds for awhile. This as been a good ones fashion April.0 -
I know that people in MI are complaining about garden centers being closed and while it may seem like the governor has gone too far, with the # of cases there, this seems wise. Crowds gather in those centers in the spring and the risk for infection is high. We don’t have that restriction (or the # of cases) in NC but we have stayed away bc we see all the cars/people there and are not willing to risk exposure.0
Yeah, I'm not in NYC, CHI either. In my whole state, 2 people under 60 died (1 over 40, and 1 over 50) and they were at the facility where the other 5 people in my county died. In the whole state!
I'll be 74 next month. Had cancer, had a heart attack (thank you chemo), have asthma. I fit the profile (other than the majority of deaths are men).
So, I'll stay at home for 6 months after the quarantine is ended because there may be a rebound like the "Spanish" flu in 1918.
(The Spanish flu had nothing to do with Spain btw. Spain even blamed France. The flu in this country started on a military base in Kansas. At the time, governments were developing germ warfare - out of which labs, btw, came RoundUp. Is COVID-19 from a germ warfare lab? Gotta wonder....SARS, MERS, COVID-19, all about 10 years apart, all from bats....)0 -
Where I am on "starting back up is CAREFULLY .. VERY, VERY CAREFULLY. I've been in mask and gloves for 3 years, and I have to tell you there are many benefits to their uses!!! Mask and gloves keeps the use of sunscreen down, keeps me from having to wash my hands all day. I can do all my cleaning without ruining my hands, the mask keeps the sun and dust and car & truck exhaust off my face! Keeps me from having to be harsh with my skin. Lots of upsides to the life. :-)
The rest of the world has joined us in the mask & glove life! Everyone now has the same concerns, complaints, and problem-solving opportunities that we have. We ARE all in it together. Be kind to one another, and ESPECIALLY BE KIND TO YOURSELF. :-)If you are not already .. BECOME YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND, REALLY LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF!! BE SILLY! 8=D
P.S. Just read "fiddler's" post .. didn't know about the flu coming from an army base in Kansas! .. every 10 years something new?! And all from BATS??!! Hahaha .. they should come up with a new story!! 8=D0 -
After reading the other posts above .. if we had a federal government that gave a crap about it's people (us) we would have a better shot at keeping the virus down to a low roar, We should have nationally lead testing project for all our citizens. Testing, tracking, quarantining, treatment, accountability, coordination with the state governments who have coordination with it's municipalities. Sigh. We are sorely lacking in leadership and caring. Even the armed services are appalled and against the head guy.0
JazzQueen, I couldn’t agree more. And yay for the armed services that aren’t obeying his every whim.0
Carool, It's just so sad. Sometimes I look at him and think maybe he's on really strong chemo and he had really, really bad chemo brain! :-) But only I'm serious .. something's "wrong". His behavior is very abnormal.0
I’m no shrink, but I do read a lot about psychopaths (I know that there’s no medical diagnosis called “psychopath”). He’s a psychopath. He’s not crazy/psychotic, though he may have early dementia. He’s much worse than crazy: psychopathic. I know that shrinks say he’s a malignant narcissist. Whatever, he must be voted out.0
CAROOL .. I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! 8=) Maybe he'll be able to get some help when he's free from the office.0
JazzQueen, how many shrinks does it take to change a psychopath? Answer: zero. Can’t be changed, from the little I know about them.0
How many shrinks does it take to change a psychopath? Bwahaha!! Zero .. omgoodness Carool! I'm making hot tea, listening to the news, checking email like a good girl ... THANK YOU CAROOL FOR THE LAUGH .. I'm going to share your joke with others if that's okay with you?? I won't say who gave it to me until you say it's okay to do so. In the meantime the joke will be from "someone I know". Wink, wink .. oh but that's rich!!!! Luv ya girl!! Have a great weekend.0
Well, it sure looks like all the young & some old beach bunnies & bar hopping, Convenioneer dudes & dudettes in Tx, OK, Fl and other states have fulfilled the prophecy of causing a spike in the Covid virus.
Tell me please, what is so bad about wearing a mask? Does it make them feel like less of a man or woman? Does it take away their freedom somehow? Oh, is it because Dear Leader refuses to wear one because his fake tan might rub off?
Whatever their reasoning, thanks all you non-maskers for putting us in the line of fire.
Here we go again!0 -
Molly 72 .. love the line "because his fake tan might rub off"!! LOL
I don't understand people that don't wear masks .. I ask where is their sense of survival? Don't they wanna LIVE? I don't get it .. I ALWAYS wear a mask whenever I leave the house and don't take if off until I'm back home where I immediately throw my clothes into the washer (or dryer) and jump into the shower to remove outside germs. 8=)
And I actually know someone who (I used to think was smart) doesn't want to wear a mask in public ... so I told them I hope you can live with yourself if ends up dead because of you!! Ugh .. the nerve.0
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