Chyle leak?
Member Posts: 14
Hi! It’s been a while. I have been sort of offline for a while. Helping in some other areas. I am currently in the hospital. Went in for a C5 C6 repair. Sort of related to my radiation and prior cancer surgeries. Well I sprung a Chyle (lymph) leak. Apparently it is very rare in head and neck surgery but does happen. So I am wondering if anyone else has had a Chyle leak. Any advise would be appreciated. I was suppose to be here 24 hrs and have been here 6 days.
Sorry to hear this. I would think it much more common in lumbar surgeries. No such leak, but did have two cerebro-spinal fluid leaks: one during my second spinal (L4-5) surgery - due to extensive scar tissue from the first time around, and the second leak during a second sinus surgery when the dura surrounding my brain began leaking. The surgeons patched them up and, other than two overnighters for what should have been outpatient surgeries, no ill effects.
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Hey Sandra, sorry for your bad luck, I haven't had "the leak" either. I just have leaking tires and pipes. I hope you get out of there soon.0
I'm afraid I'm no help, Iv'e not heard of that condition0
Hi SandiA - it is good to see your name! But, I am sorry for the circumstances. I wish I knew the answer to your question (or maybe I am actually glad I don't) ... I hope and pray you get better soon and can go home!0
That's horrible about both-radiation damage the Chyle leak. I'm so sorry. I can only imagine the emotional drainage this is causing you. Stay strong, and write us anytime you want--Please0
SandiA, I can't help on this one but I wanted to send you best wishes. I hope you get to go home soon. Please let us know how you're doing.0
Hi everyone! Thank you for checking in. I am actually glad none of you have had an experience with this. Something I never heard of before. The good news is I am home. Doctors calling every day, but thankful to be in my own house. And extremely thankful for all our health care workers. Got to talk to them some and have a new appreciation of what they are dealing with every day. Hope everyone else is well!0
Glad you're home. That must be a big relief. I've usually had pleasant nurses, but I was always happy to go home.0
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