Have you experienced the looks you get being a cancer patient, wearing a mask in public, and sneezin
Member Posts: 72
I try to not even go out, but if I absolutely have to stop somewhere I put on a mask and dart in and out. Yesterday I cleared out an entire aisle in the grocery store when I sneezed. I look like warmed over death already and wearing a mask and sneezing during all of this freaks people out!
I made a pretty cover for my mask so it can be reused. A new fashion for the times.
Easy to make & I just wore it today to hunt for T.P., flour and kitty litter.
There were a few others in the store who also had masks, but not many & I didn't get any strange looks.
I have C.O.P.D. & heart problems, the cancer is over (I think), so I would rather look funny than get Coronna.
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Spring allergies! The symptoms are chest congestion, dry cough and, yes, an occasional sneeze. I have been wearing a mask when I have to get groceries, go to pharmacy, etc... I have explained numerous times everywhere I go that I am symptomatic because I have the same spring allergies I get every year at this time. I have NO fever. I can understand people being apprehensive but I am wearing a mask to protect myself not to protect them from me. I'm OK.0
I don't sneeze much, but post-transplant, I have been wearing mask and gloves for 4 1/2 years now. I have found that people "socially distanced" themselves from me, suspecting that I was ill. That was fine with me, actually. Am considering buying either a 'bio-hazard' or 'radioactive' T-shirt to go with my daily 'halloween' costume.0
I had that happen to me when I was having chemo the first time. I lost 50 pounds and my hair, clothes didn't fit, I looked like you describe. I caught people staring or doing a double take to figure out what was wrong with me. Po, I have a Tshirt with a big black burned spot in the middle of it with text that says, this is my radiation treatment shirt.0
We all need to be wearing masks! So as a caregiver I wish everyone could be more proactive. Just try not to use the masks our medical heroes need!
This is a no sew idea : https://youtu.be/5-gjBR_TT2w
This needs some sewing skills: https://youtu.be/lIKJe03ecos0 -
I have two N95 masks I got four years ago to protect me while I was on an immunosuppressant so, now with nsclc and two autoimmune disorders and a possible lung infection for which I’m on an antibiotic, I limit travel to absolutely necessary med visits only. I was at my onc’s office yesterday and a nurse commented on my respirator being the ‘good one’ while she has the inferior, common face mask. I heard the Surgeon General on tv this evening telling us not to wear N95’s and leave them for med personnel only so now I’m worried about being criticized.0
KB, don't worry about that, protect yourself and stay safe!0
Thanks Greg. Since posting that, I went online looking for best filter material for homemade masks and found videos on YouTube promoting the use of vacuum cleaner HEPA filters then, found another with a British doc warning against the use of HEPA filters. I am not going anywhere except to get my lab drawn which is weekly that the doc says I can’t miss. Thanks for the encouragement Greg; stay safe.0
What Greg said, KB. If you've had those masks for 4 years you're most certainly not depriving anyone now. Do what you have to do and stay safe. I'm going to dig out my collection of old "cowboy" bandanas I guess although I did find a package of masks in my workshop which will last for awhile.0
I live in NJ. I would say that at least half the people I see in a store are wearing masks and gloves so no one would bat an eye at that here. I also have Spring allergies and am making myself a mask hoping it will help a bit. I also found some N95 masks in my basement but I'm saving those for hubby since he's the one with cancer. So far, I've kept him at home and he's not upset about it. Win, win.0
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