

  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for supporting others by answering questions, offering advice and positive wishes! It does make a difference for them to see that other people have been there and are doing OK.
    October 2016
  • Sudokupro
    Hey there stranger! How are you doing? I have been thinking of you and I hope all is going well for you. I am at my 1 yr mark and looks like all is good , just the same old stuff that Dr Wallace is aware of.
    February 2014
  • dmerriman
    Happy anniversary to you! You go girl!!!
    March 2013
  • dmerriman
    About that lung rehab...I told you that I contacted a hospital in Louisville about the pulmonary rehabilitation program and they told me that insurance would not pay for the program for lung cancer patients, they had to have COPD or emphysema (sp?)....Well, I found another hospital in Louisville that is working with us to get it approved....that you so much for the info :-))
    March 2013
  • dmerriman
    How long did it take for you hair to grow back?
    March 2013
  • dmerriman
    thanks for the book info...greatly appreciated!
    March 2013
  • dmerriman
    Just checking to see how you are feeling; my partner started her 6th round of chemo today. When she was initially diagnosed in October, we were told she would have chemo for a minimum of 6 rounds. A PET scan was scheduled for Feb. 20. Chemo treatments after this week will depend on the scan results.
    February 2013
  • seesun87
    I was just reading your post. What did they do for the cancer in the lymphnodes? What type of treatment did you receive and are you still in active treatment? I would appreciate any information you can share.
    January 2013
  • Sudokupro
    Thank you for the encouragement, it means a lot to me.
    January 2013
  • Sudokupro
    I hope you had a wonderful New Year and Christmas. I was back in the hospital and was released Christmas Eve late but still Christmas Eve. We were able to exchange ours gifts on Saturday. The best gift I got was when my daughter gave me bracelets from Cozumel. she gave me 12 so I could wear on one wrist how may cycles I had completed and on my left how many I have to go, butt her question to me was "why 12 you only have 4 cycles not six? " I was was excited cause I was always told 6. on my next visit to the infusion center they confirmed 6 cycles and I felt all the air sucked out of me. I seen Dr Wallace on the 2nd of Jan and he said there are only 4. he said people with 4 did as well as people with 6.....he checked the papers and there was an error so he had all my paperwork changed to reflect 4....I am so happy. the extra bracelets are being given to all my close females ie... daughters granddaughter and my sons girlfriend who lost her mom to cancer 2 yrs ago.
    January 2013
  • Sudokupro
    I have been thinking of you, and hope all is well. The Cycle 2 of my chemo did not go as well as the first cycle I did end up in the hospital for 3 days from nausea. My potassium was at 2 and now have to take pills for that. I will see Dr Wallace tomorrow and hope he can maybe give me something for fatigue. I did find not exactly the cami you spoke of but one that had a tight waist and hurt my back. so will still keep an eye out for something like you said and Dollar General in Munster said they discontinued the one I was looking for.
    December 2012
  • Sudokupro
    That is soooo WONDERFUL!!!! Congratulations and I will pray for you also to get even stronger and have good things come your way. One question I wanted to ask you is from my surgery , removal of the left lower lobe and 14 lymph nodes I have a very hard time finding comfortable undergarments , Dr Wallace thinks it may be nerve damage. . The bands are right on one of the incisions. Any suggestions?
    November 2012
  • Sudokupro
    Thank you for the Ginger Tea it is wonderful. Hope all is well and you had a great Thanksgiving.
    November 2012
  • Sudokupro
    I am also under the care of Dr Wallace, he is wonderful.
    November 2012
  • Sudokupro
    Thanks for the response, Seems like we have some things in common, I too am going through Monroe & Assoc. They are wonderful. I start my chemo tomorrow and I will look into the Cancer Center on Ridge.
    November 2012