Member Posts: 1
My name Dee.
How long does it take to get PET scan results. Iam waiting now 9 days.
How long does it take to get PET scan results. Iam waiting now 9 days.
Have you called? As to wait times. they are all over the map. It depends on the number of radiologists at the facility, the number of images they must interpret and several other things. Nevertheless, I would call and ask.0
As Po says, it varys by the facility. At mine, I can have a PET done at 10 AM and go to my doctor's appointment at 12 and the results are on their computer to see. 9 days is far too long with today's technology. I agree that you should call your doctor. Someone has your results by now.0
You are paying them as a patient - they are not paying you to be patient. Bottom line: Get noisy, stay noisy. Otherwise, you can get lost in the shuffle.0
With my test results the rule has always been "No news is good news" I have always been informed of bad news within 48 hours and sometimes before I made it home, Good news I have always had to wait until I see the Dr. usually a week to ten days later. I have been offered to sign up for MyChart but I have privacy issues probably totally safe but I feel uncomfortable0
My results are sent the Dr. I need to see him to get the results. This is usually done in a reasonable amount of time as my PET scan is scheduled within a week's time.0
It took what seemed like forever for me to get mine but I am relatively sure it took less than a week, but it might have been a little longer. The reason mine took longer was that it was my general practitioner who ordered the PET scan. When the results came, she wanted a colleague to read the report and look at the scan to verify the results. THEN, she wanted to have an oncologist's appointment lined up for me to go to the next day - so that I didn't have to wait very long to get more information than "you have lung cancer." I remember that was one of the longest waits of my cancer journey.0
At VirginiaMason Medical Center in Seattle, I have the PET scan in the morning and the results are given to my doc by the time of my 3 or 4pm appointment.. Also, I find the online portals invaluable as I fight nhl.0
At VirginiaMason Medical Center in Seattle, I have the PET scan in the morning and the results are given to my doc by the time of my 3 or 4pm appointment.. Also, I find the online portals invaluable as I fight nhl.0
Nine days is TOO LONG! Call your oncologist’s office and find out what the results are. If it isn’t done, your oncologist will be put on notice and he/she’s office will get it done.0
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