Has anyone read about stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction after having prostate surgery.
Member Posts: 4
Has anyone read about stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction after having prostate surgery.
The only research I could find was on the diabetic mouse, used as a model. Nothing on humans and certainly nothing on humans post-surgery from prostate CA.
Here's a linkie: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31980404
One thing to be very careful about is wild claims, particularly ones going on and on about conspiracies to Hide the Truth.
Oh, and no reputable clinical trial asks the participants to pay. I know, I've done a few.
Remeber that we are all in this together.
James 2:240 -
Whoopsie, I should have gone little deeper:
From the abstract:
5 studies specific to SCT for ED treatment were included. A total of 61 patients were included in these phase I and II clinical trials and follow-up periods ranged from 6-62 months. End points of the studies included safety, tolerability, and efficacy of SCT for ED. The majority of the studies demonstrated improvement in erectile function due to SCT in patients, including improvements in penile vascular flow, International Index of Erectile Function-15 items, and Erectile Hardness Scale scores. All of the studies reported that there were no serious adverse events for patients. Limitations of the studies included small cohort sizes, and only 1 contained a sham arm.
First off, a Phase I trial is _solely_ a test of safety. Nothing else. A Phase II trial looks at efficacy, in a narrow sense. That is, what sort of dose is necessary. Only 61 participants in 5 different trials is way too small to tell us anything; it's quite likely that the results are happenstance.
Finally, having only a single trial with a control tells me that there's a lot more work to do.
fusilier, who really does know how to spell "remember." ;^)
James 2:24
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