Sending prayers and good thoughts for poor old Stownewall. My sister sends me face book pictures of dogs who have beat cancer all the time.
I thought this picture might cheer you up.0August 2014 -
I've seen all your great posts.
Keep them up as I look forward to them.
B0August 2014 -
I'm getting cremated also....My Vision is I open the paper tomorrow and go to the obituaries and see my face'll have to think about that one.....
Hey Look at Robin Williams....what IS life really all about?
Barry0August 2014 -
Meyati, don't look now, but you really have to figure out what you're doing to make them - at least one of them - run away. Or maybe I'm wrong in assuming they escape because of your mistreatment of them. Maybe you just have a talent for choosing wanderlust sox? In any event, you should keep an eye on them!0June 2014
Good Stuff Meyati.....
Great quote for the Great Movie NETWORK.
I don't mind dying I just don't want to be there when it happens.
Ranting is GOOD for our Health...
B0July 2014 -
Meyati, thank you for the fulsome post about your experience. I have noticed before that you have led an amazingly varied and vigorous life, as well as being a stalwart voice about the journey that is cancer. I am always pleased by the success stories on this site, like yours.
I have a church friend who was a military nurse (career navy) during Vietnam, too. We call her Commander Nat. I suspect you two are much alike - tough with a soft, hidden heart for others.
I was amused by your geographic "triangle"! You obviously have traveled a lot to have such a wide view of the world. I can see where biker grandson got his sense of adventure.
My doctors believe my DX is the final curtain call with an uncertain time frame. Small tumors were detected several months after a successful surgery to remove the big tumor that made me so sick. We missed the first warning signs for what they were and then I delayed 2 months while I got sicker and sicker. You know that story - it will go away tomorrow. I never expected cancer. Some days are harder than others, and some days are "normal". Overall, it is not so bad, and certainly not as traumatic as what others must go through just to get another day. Now, for me, it is waiting to see how the tumors grow. I am grateful for my time, especially during these nice summer months. When I had a second surgery to correct a complication, I realized how much I wanted time. But, then, I often fritter my days away.
I was so glad to find this site. First, I was able to feel not so alone. But more importantly, I was drawn out of myself by trying to be compassionate about others and their concerns. Sometimes, my only contribution is encouragement to someone else.
I did give powers of attorney to 2 friends. Although each can act alone, I know they will confer and support each other in the decision making. They are both strong willed, so I am comfortable with my plans. They are also the 2 that try so hard to reposition the medical facts as doctors' errors. In a way, they are funny in their determination, but they are very stalwart friends. I have to appreciate them, but I cannot really talk to them about hard facts. They cannot "hear" me.
I live alone and have no close family. They are fine, in their way, but our interests and life never had much in common. Two cousins have been consistent in our staying in touch and, now, I find that comforting, even though we not in regular communication. I do have an older sister who is profoundly retarded. I have tried to put protections in place for her. Her overall health is good. She will outlive me, I think.
I must mention that you live in one my favorite states. One of my dream trips is to go out to the cliff dwellers national park. I have been to ABQ on personal and business trips. The ancient volcanoes that you can see from the plane always fascinate me, clear shapes in the landscape. I still have one of those tourist pottery birds from there and have had him out in my home for over 30 years.
I saw the pin of the dogs. I did not connect them to you. Very cool dogs. They sound like very good friends to have. My cat is not so helpful!
I am so grateful to chatter away like this to you. Thank you for your kindness that you demonstrate so often on this site and for allowing me to say these things out loud to a friendly ear.0July 2014 -
I'm depressed
Take the capsules internally. I'd start with 2-3 olive leaf extracts a day for a month and then cut down to 2.....I'm on 1 a day now.
Infections respond well to Manuka Honey or just plain table sugar. They say Hydrogen Peroxide is too strong but I've mixed Hydrogen Peroxide and honey/sugar and packed it on sores and wounds and it really helps. Great for Bed Sores also.
Oregano Oil not so sure about but there is lots of stuff on line.
How can we NOT BE........I'm doing the best I can.....some nodes on my neck feel a little bigger but most the same for 10 months. Got a few new ones (not really Big) in left groin and that's the only two places I can feel them.....The rest is inside waiting to surprise me one day with something awful. Always waiting for the next shoe to drop....that's the nightmare of cancer (the devil on earth).
Feel Better.
B0July 2014 -
It's a freaking mess. The Country is too big and cumbersome to manage everything. Maybe the states should ALL become little Countries.....could all be more manageable. I have NO Answers to anything anymore except we could all use a little more Love and Empathy. Hope you're feel ok TODAY.
I Feel good.....0July 2014 -
Not sure if you heard this funny one. I believe there are TOO many specialties.....we are a PERSON not a body part and it's a flawed system they are all operating it. WE take care of ourselves and the most they can ever do is surgery ( which they do well ) and Trauma (Very good at that) other than that they are just Human Beings who studied hard in school and prescribe drugs. They ONLY know what Big Pharma tells them and they are mostly bribed to use this and that.
I also believe ( have no proof of this ) that cancer is pretty much ONE Disease that attacks different cells.....all the same process.....cells don't die on time and that's it.
SO...listen to my funny Song above and make sure you STAY away from Doctors as they can be dangerous to your health. The most dangerous place on the Planet is a Hospital and the second is the Docs
Gotta keep a sense of humor or I'll go bonkers...
B0July 2014 -
Thanks for the kind words Meyati.
I write a LOT of different types of songs and write my OWN lyrics to about 2/3 of them. I use some outside lyricists.
What kind of pictures do you take?
Barry0June 2014 -
NO I'm Not a Photographer.
IF you ever want some great pictures go to google/images and type in what you're looking for...
Barry0June 2014 -
Video and Song are HERE....don't know WHAT happened on the site....Story of my Life.
You seem to have some awful times right now....hope somehow they get better.
I write songs about all this stuff and it makes me feel as if I'm doing SOMETHING.
Barry0June 2014 -
Hi Meyati.... I had good news today from the radiologist so keep plugging along as will I and hope it will get better for both of us.0June 2014
It's a shame when Organizations etc. just get Greedy and don't do the right thing as it ruins it for everybody else. When I was a Hospice Nurse we had this problem and they consistently stopped the care for many and then later took them back. It's impossible to know WHEN somebody will die. GREED is the thing that will Bring Down this wonderful Country if things don't change.
Hospice is a wonderful Concept and Companies should not take advantage...UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barry0June 2014 -
Make sure you are NOT taking an acid blocker like Prilocec or Tagamet....also taking a multi digestive pill from the health food store is helpful. combining is helpful to digestion and absorption. Nothing with us is easy. You sound like your doing the best you can.
Barry0June 2014 -
I never heard about D 2 but I'll try and check. D 3 is supposed to be the best absorbed. BUT going out in the sun with lots of skin exposed NOT in the middle of the day for about 15 minutes or so is the best way to get Vit D. You can look up WHEN is the best time and how long to stay.0June 2014
I read your comment and it's pretty sad is it is always like that.
It's a shame that people game the system so much that they ruin things for everybody else. BUT for the most part my experience with Hospice is good but they do have rules...ugh...better than not having them at all.0June 2014 -
Dear Meyati: I wanted to follow you. You are very wise. Gosh you have had to deal with so much. I give you respect. Your dogs are lovely in the sunshine. I went to New Mexico 8 years ago, to the Philmont Boy Scout Camp. One of the best weeks of my life.
Much Aloha to you. Katie Williams0June 2014 -
Hi ya; I'm getting referrals and what not together to start something called "HBOT" Hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy. Medicare pays for it. The theory is to flood the body with oxygen in order to actually heal.0May 2014
Meyati, it was my breast surgeon. I met with her once before surgery, once post op, and for my 6 months check up 3 weeks ago. To say we got off on the wrong foot would be an understatement. She is a skilled surgeon who was highly recommended by my primary care doctor. My medical oncologist, my radiology oncologist, my diagnostic treatment radiologist and my family doctor are all absolutely wonderful. They are the ones who matter to me. Incidentally, I had a large, deep tumor next to my chest wall. She got good margins and a flawless cosmetic result, so I shouldn't really complain about her personality. I didn't hire her to be my best friend.lol0May 2014
Hang in there!!! I know how frustrating it can be. Do whatever it is that makes you get in your happy place. Things will get better (says the lady who sat in her car crying instead of going to the relay for life event) Virtual Hugzzzz from El Paso0May 2014
LOL I get it. I'm 6'5'' 300 lbs when I get piss ed off people run, my punching bag and heavy bags are getting torn up. Thanks for the advice and keep up the good fight0May 2014
I LIKE you too. I don't always agree with
I'm always trying to tweak things and improve and keep an open mind so I can learn new things. Everybody has something that we can learn from.0March 2014 -
Thank you for the wonderful messages you left for me. I did not realize that you had posted until I just got on. Your messages to me were so very helpful. Yes please let's stay in touch.0March 2014
Hi Meyati.....I don't know much about calcium infusions except it saved the life of my friend years ago because she couldn't assimilate it through her gut.
YES...weight bearing exercises are Great to build bone as well as 15 minutes of sun every day before 10 AM or after 3 PM....
You sound very strong and in good shape.
I'm still doing ok but have one node that grew pretty large and I have an itchy rash....little red things popping up all over. I'm using Benadryl and Hydrocortisone cream but not working so great...ugh....
I'm still hoping for a miracle and still dead sent against chemo and radiation. I also had a stage 0 melanoma 4 months ago and just had it taken out. Everyday I get another thing growing or another pain that's worrisome. I'm trying to just let it be but it's tough. I'm still on my strict protocol and enjoying it.
Good Luck and hang in there.
Barry0March 2014