

  • BoiseB
    Sending prayers for your comfort
    May 2015
  • better
    God's blessings from me too.
    May 2015
  • happydyad
    Hi, Lillymadeline! Let us know how you are doing! I miss you! I'm hoping that you're off on a cruise around the world! Please check in with your What Next family! We need you! Judy in Ky
    May 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hi lilymadeline, just checking on you. I haven't seen any posts recently and wanted to make sure you are okay!
    April 2015
  • judyinflorida
    Hi Lilymadeline, Wondering how you are doing. I noticed that you are going to have hip surgery. Is is scheduled yet? Wishing you well.
    April 2015
  • Rob
    How you doing girl? not heard from you in a while.I had my CT scan 2 weeks ago half way through my 6 cycle plan. my lung cancer is shrinking some and thats a good thing, and my Dr. told me they had just came up with a new chemo drug aimed at the type of cancer that I have. I told him to go for it, I don't know when it will start the meds are only about 3 to 4 weeks on the market. I go for chemo here in Dyersburg Wed. AM then skip a week and then I go to Memphis to start cycle no 5.
    I'm doing very well though. I rode my motorcycle to a Sun-Rise Service Biker Stile. The temp was in the thirties but it was a good ride and I made it home in time to change and go to church again. And I've been blessed again in that I'll be preaching at two country churches this Sunday.Let me know what's going on in your world. many Hugs XXXXOOOO
    April 2015
  • gonewest
    Lily, I read your comment about having a hip done. I had an unplaned one when the horse fell on me. I love the new hip, the doctors did a superior job and it's going strong 10 years later. I can still kick that leg over my head. It took awhile but the stronger your muscles are before the replacement, the faster and more complete the recovery. I suspect, with your dancing career, you'll do great.
    April 2015
  • gonewest
    Hi Lily. What are you up to? Rain in LA last night was nice. Beautiful today.
    April 2015
  • Rob
    Have'nt heardnfrom you in a while, how have tou been? any more kyaking down the river? I had a ct scan last week and get the results tomorrow when I see my Dr. I've been getting in afew miles on my bike since the weather has lighened up a little. I got in 175 mile Saturday. I'm tring to get used to a differient way of riding. I put what they call a trike kit on it. I call it training wheels as I had training wheels on my bive when I wa a kid, now I;m in my secound childhood and training wheels on my Harley. It does ride and look like a trtike only cosy a lot less. I do have fun with it and all my friens do like it. and it dont fall over any more. I had to do this so my wife would ride with me. shee would not ride ride with it on just 2 wheels. O well that's life I guess. Let me know what's going on in your world..XXXXXXOOOOO
    March 2015
  • innadoon
    Hi lilymadeline,
    Thanks so much for your kind comment to my post about "Here comes reality." I am slowly realizing that my doctor has been gently telling me for a while now that I am "chronic" not "acute" anymore. The last time he and I talked, he spoke at length about, as he put it, "what to expect." He mentioned the word "cure" in passing and adeptly let it pass by without a word of hope on the subject. He outlined my situation and told me what my arsenal was, all the time alluding to quality of life.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't intent to quit trying, but I think I will have more luck with morale if I face the fact that my disease will probably be in the forefront of my mind for most (if not all of) the rest of my life.

    Thanks again,

    April 2014
  • Bug
    lilymadeline, I just wanted to say that that was a great answer that you gave to carlinda777's question about "metastatic breast cancer now in bones". It was so thorough and encouraging. It is so wonderful to have people like you out there. Bless your heart.
    March 2015
  • Carool
    Hi! I haven't seen your posts recently (though I haven't been following as many questions as before, so I may well have missed some of your posts). Anyway, just saying hi and hoping you are okay. Xoxo -
    February 2015
  • Carol-Charlie
    I'm posting this for EmmyD... My best friend...Loving woman. Emmy passed away peacefully, with all her family with her on Thursday 12-11-14. In late office Tom and I drove to North Bend and stayed about 4 weeks - doing what we could for them. She looked so thin... In recent photos lost almost 60 lbs. and didn't have it to leave. I had suggested that she join WhatNext, !! I'm glad she did. I just wanted to thank you for helping her.
    December 2014
  • Carool
    Now that I read your wall I see you've been active. Don't mind me!
    February 2015
  • shawny
    Hi my name is shawny and i just got registered. It would help if I could get some feed back on coping after treatment or reading my message. thanks
    February 2015
  • Rob
    Hi girl, is this this the your week end on the water ?
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Congrats at last day of radiation for you as well, thank you for these past months always being there with your support, if I'm fortunate to hear NED I will still be here on whatnext trying to give support and info. Hope you have a good day!
    February 2015
  • glam
    Dear have you been? I was just looking at your pic and I loved it...what a cute dogs you have....are they papillon???? image is not so about your dance? please keep in touch and let me know how you are.....Love and kisses...xoxo
    February 2015
  • Rob
    Good morning, how was your week end on the water? Great I hope. I had the good fortune to preach at at at beautiful country church Sunday.I am truly blessed. I'm working on on my bike now, I;m putting what they call a trike kit on it. I'm not getting any younger and I have to nice a bike to risk dropping, It's very cold her now, to cold to ride and enjoy temp in the 20s so I'll just spend my time in the Garage. I have not seen you on here for a few days but I guess there my not be wi-fi on the water:) Huggs and more XOXOXOXOXO
    February 2015
  • rachelleigh324
    Hi @Lilymadeline

    I am doing a research study in honor of my sister who is a breast cancer survivor, and my aunt and grandmother who have passed on. This is a project very near and dear to my heart.

    I am a graduate student studying Breast Cancer and It's relationship to diet and quality of life. I know when my sister was diagnosed, she immediately contacted a nutritionist to help change her diet (because she was ER+ PR+) I am wondering if others have changed their diets after diagnosis as well. And if those diets increased or decreased their energy.
    My study consists of 2 surveys: one Diet questionnaire and one Quality of Life questionnaire. I am looking for women who currently have a BC diagnosis or are breast cancer survivors. The requirement is to simply fill out the two surveys.
    If you (or anyone who can read this) is willing to participate in my research study I would sincerely appreciate it. Please email or post response, and I will reach out to you with specifics. Thank you for your time. God bless you.
    February 2015
  • better
    Thanks for listening, you're words are sweet. I'm happy just thinking about this. May you be "struck with blessedness" all the time! The true definition for eternally blest, which is the word phrase that jumps into my writers mind as what I wish for you.
    February 2015
  • happydyad
    What alternative or complementary treatments (or lifestyle adjustments ) do you follow to help you battle cancer? BTW, I always look for your input on questions I'm following. I value your opinion. Hugs! Judy
    February 2015
  • Connieguth
    You said in another post that you had to change your treatment. Was it because your tumor markers were climbing again? 4 1/2 years seems like a pretty good run. What was the next step for you?
    January 2015
  • Rob
    Haven't heard from you for a while, How's it going ? what kind of babies do you have in your pix w/you?
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Lily CHANGING----not charging. These are free-sponsored by the state, oncology clins-hospitals and ACS. Here they try to change you--- share your innermost feelings, Publically make a goal and then confess or lie about achieving the goal---
    January 2015
  • MargeGh
    Hello Lilymadeline, I just wanted to say that I admire you so much, I read your answers to questions and every time I learn something from you. You are such an inspiration. You are awesome!
    January 2015
  • barryboomer
    You'll have to talk to Greg....I've been in trouble with him before for being too vocal or passionate I guess he has had enough. It seems like every so often some NEW LADIES take offense at me for some reason. If one person complains to him or a group he sends me an e-mail SO that's what's going on. It's not a big deal a I HAVE A LIFE outside of here. Hook up with me on my facebook page as I have a great nutrition page and I rant about all kinds of stuff and put up Articles and my Songs. It's been Great Getting to know you....You are very Courageous and whatever happens GOOD LUCK.....B
    January 2015
  • Rob
    Good morning, I hope this finds you well and in good spirits. Remember, If it feels good, DO IT! and if you can't have fun with it, it probably isn't worth doing.
    January 2015
  • Bug
    Hi, lilymadeline. I saw your post about giving your sweetie a painting for Christmas and keeping your fingers crossed that he liked it. So did he like it?! :-)
    January 2015
  • Rob
    I'm back for round 3 I have just started my third round with lung cancer but this time I ques they wanted to make it more interesting they added in a little bone cancer in my ribs.
    but I am doing absolutely great, how are you holing up?
    January 2015