

  • azsuper
    Hi Lilymadeline
    Concerning your question about scheduling.
    They just move it. That simple.
    Stay strong and smile
    June 2014
  • Soocki
    To lilymadeline , in answer to question why waiting to start hormone blocker.......I had my surgery on May 7. Had a mastectomy of right breast and a lumpectomy of left breast. I had 4 chemo treatment, was supposed to have 6 but they stopped them at 4. My radiation oncologist called me after he received pathology report from the surgery done and told me I did NOT need any radiation! This was awesome news!!! My last visit to my medical oncologist agreed with the no radiation needed! So did the surgeon. My med oncologist recommended 6 treatments of iron infusions as I told her I am still extremely tired. She doesn't want me to start the meds til 2 weeks after the the last iron infusion. Plus right after the last iron infusion, I will be getting my port removed which is also awesome as most have to keep it in for a year at least. I take life one day at a time so will right now try to do exercising to stretch my right arms tightness. Dealing with soreness that affects wearing a bra. Just have to be patient til all finally heals, am told 4 to 8 weeks. Also just hoping the iron infusions at least give me more energy. Am tired of being tired lol.
    Starting the med was what Dr said so I just am trusting her. I should ask more questions. Tx so much for your support.
    May 2014
  • angeldancer
    aw silver star is my tag name. And I use yahoo which seems to be a com and not a net with a dot. i hope that helps. I would love to come to a support group I really need one. Thanks so much
    May 2014
  • spicekitty57
    thanks for ur reply. it gave me hop! one site on web said 24 to 36 months!!!
    May 2014
  • grammyk
    How much turmeric do you take? I take 720 mg twice a day. That was the suggested dosage on the bottle. I learned about it at a nutrition class as an antiflammatory drug. Thanks for all your answers and help!
    May 2014
  • azsuper
    Hi Lifymadeline

    If you have question you think you need help talk to your doctors.
    You know your self better than anyone or any doctor.
    May 2014
  • banditwalker
    Thank you for your response to my hormone therapy question. I just wanted you to know I went thru' menopause 8 yrs ago and have been having hot flashes for years now, off and on. I found that the hot flashes are hardly noticeable when I eat right. Very little dairy (organic, no hormones), no meat unless it is organic, no antibiotics, and grass fed (that is rarely as well). I have been doing yoga for a few years and the stretching alone helps with the aches and pains. The hormones are already causing some aches in joints but not so bad that I need any anti-inflammatory or such, yet. I just joined my local Y, they have the Livestrong program and will try to build my strength back up. I tried to open a water bottle the other day and my husband had to help me, whew, what a chore :).
    Any who, I was confused about the type of hormones I am receiving and got my question answered. What a great site. Thanks so much again.
    May 2014
  • geekling
    ..... Some idiot told me that I had to go to Russia to pick these rare and special mushrooms, ugh!

    These statements of yours is why we butt heads. You don't need to call the person who told you an idiot when all they were doing is showing some concern for you. The mushroom isn't so rare but one needs to know what to look for and further also know how to use it. The name of the mushroom is "Chaga" and it has been quite effective, as an extract, in causing "spontaneous remission" in some of the most difficult to beat cancers like, say, pancreatic cancer.

    Just because you've chosen the route you have selected doesn't entitle you to rain and spit on other people's choices. The behavior is unsuitable for someone in your position.

    Best wishes for a full recovery.
    May 2014
  • barryboomer
    Hey Lilly....what kind of performing do you do?
    I'm a singer songwriter but don't play out anymore.
    My songs are up at barrydbutler channel on youtube.
    May 2014
  • angeldancer
    Do you know of support groups and help in Los Angeles? I can't find any in the OC. Any help would be awesome? I am asking the facilitator to give you my email address. I need some help.
    May 2014
  • timetoshare
    hopefully this message goes to you. I am still figuring out how to use this site. I am looking to talk to endometrial cancer stage iv survivors. Did you start with one cancer and it spread to other areas. Do you still go for treatment? I hope you do not mind the questions. You are very kind to post and help others. I hope you are well.
    April 2014
  • Janc
    lilymadeline, thank you so much for your answer. It is in God's hands! We are trying some additional treatments, but all is palliative care. Dr would like to try weekly chemo in addition to the radiation, along with two infusions for the bones. It has been a hard road for him. Thank you for sharing your story. Bless you.
    April 2014
  • amontoya
    Lilymadeline, thank you for your words of wisdom! I appreciate it this morning. Angela
    April 2014
  • cam32505
    Wow, you have 3 primary cancers. I thought I was bad with 2 primary cancers, uterine and thyroid. Do you think there is any link between thyroid and the other cancers? I think we're deficient in iodine, which throws off our thyroid, and that must change our hormones, causing the reproductive cancers.
    April 2014
  • ridopepper
    What a positive message you have to give others! Thank you so much for answering my question. I sure need someone like you in my corner.
    April 2014
  • BabyGirl3
    Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it with all that is going on right now...(((HUGS)))
    April 2014
  • SSE
    Thank you for your quick and helpful response re: BRCA. I agree--my dad always said to err on the side of safety.

    April 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    I just want to say thank you for the positive, helpful answers that you leave for everyone! I absolutely love your spirit in spite of some really touch diagnoses that you are facing yourself. Hugs and praying for you!
    April 2014
  • BadBabs
    Thanks for your answer. I think I'm more scared about the potential chemo than I am about the surgery since I've had surgery before. While not yet in menopause, at 47 i'd already come to terms that having kids of my own was not likely, so that part hasn't bothered me. I've always say to my 1st cousin (3 weeks younger than me) that she's had enough for both of us! (18--13 successful pregnancies, 6 steps)
    March 2014
  • boniblue
    Thank you for your wise words...I have not yet tried to find a support group, but do plan to...I just had my first visit with my new Doc..I feel so much better,,,he sounds and acts like he knows his stuff...I will keep you in my thoughts and will send hope for healing and wise and caring medical professionals for you..stay well...
    April 2014
  • Dean1010
    Thanks Lilly,
    I totally loved your report, it was like totally awesome. (yeah, I'm from California.)

    I'm hoping to start small in the narcotic game. 20 years ago I consumed a quart of Vodka a day. I might have an addictive personality, ya think. (Sober 20 years)

    I'm quite certain I'll become addicted --- but I would like to hold off that monster as long as possible. BUT I would rather die addicted to pain meds, than to die drunk.
    Thanks, and keep in touch.
    March 2014
  • little_fut
    Thank you for listening and understanding my confusion...irritation...just everything. I'm better today, but I would love to be my "old" self again. (pre-cancer) I have remissive M.S. and have for the past 30 years kept it in check but this last year has been horrid. Again thank you so much..god bless
    Hope everything goes well for you. You will be in my prayers.
    March 2014
  • dianalynn
    I am on permanent disability. Best decision I ever made. Do you have any questions?
    March 2014
  • ppoohsander
    Hi lilymadeline, I just had to have my bladder removed do to cancer but did not have to do chemo or radiation, however my daughter had Hodgkin and went thru chemo and radiation, she is always saying she has chemo brain. Is there really such a thing as chemo brain?
    March 2014
  • l74
    Thank you for your suggestions. I will look into them. It is a shame people here have to go through a financial crisis just as they are facing a medical one.Also thank you for your love.
    February 2014
  • l74
    Thanks for all answers. Even yours, Barry :). Helping my sister in law. More like sister after 30 years and being in laws and next door neighbor. As for finance situation. She was bread winner as husband has been disable for years. No insurance. She is a manual labor type of gal, full of fight. Still see that, but she is losing spunk because of depression and pain. Not able to do as before because of pain. Things have to be broken down to simple terms for her to understand. Social security said everyone has to be out of work 6 months before getting benefits. Can't get as I because husband makes 100 dollars to much on his s.s. She doesn't understand what his s.s. has to do with hers. Food stamps gives them 88 dollars a month. Getting help from social worker with medical bills. Her car has been repo. already. They were living week to week with her working. Now they are living day to day. Sorry about rambling, but I really care about these two. They have always been their for me.I do what I can, but they need help.They don't want handouts, just what they have earned. Thanks for letting me go on and on.
    February 2014
  • ljb23
    Just curious as to what physical therapy you had for sexual issues. I am desperate to get something back but these hormone blockers, hysterectomy and everything else from chemo has made my sex life almost impossible. I have talked with docs about by they only offer little things like try coconut oil or Luvena. But when u mentioned physical therapy, now I'm really intrigued!!
    February 2014
  • soniasonia
    thanks for input on Vitamin C. Here is another one Budwig Diet. What do you make of this?
    February 2014
  • helentran
    Hello lilymadeline,
    I just read your response to the other person about having cancer along with another chronic disease. I am sorry that you have to deal with so many serious medical problems. How are you doing at this time? I'd like to hear more about your journey. I just got diagnosed with infiltrating lobular cancer in December of 2013. thanks
    January 2014
  • maggiea2014
    Thank you so much for the encouraging words. We go to Vanderbilt on Wed and I feel like we are going to hear the worst. Ecsp since he looks so thin and fragile to me now since he has never been sick a day of his life. All I can hope is to get as much time as possible and that he is comfortable for that time.
    January 2014