

  • nicki0920
    I admire you so much for becoming a chemo angel. I had two angels while I was undergoing chemo. They brought so much brightness to my life. Know that you are making a real difference in someone's life!
    February 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Thinking about you, Kiki, and praying for your comfort. My heart hurts for you at this time.
    March 2015
  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi Kiki, wish I was closer to you so I could help some way. I know it's not much but know that we are family here on Whatnext. A group of us Whatnexters hangout via video chat every now and then on Google Plus. Here's the link if you want to join us when you can:

    Sending hugs to you from southern Cali.
    September 2014
  • marshala1
    So happy for you!! You deserve it!
    October 2014
  • Dawntaylor
    Thank you. I'm in the kinda lost stage now. Hopeful but crying a lot! Alone a lot which is nothing new but really feels lonely now. Thought my husband would change his staying out and drinking habits after diagnosis but no luck and children out of house now and only call when they need something and friends are non existent. Thanks for listening not normal but feeling sorry for myself.
    December 2013
  • marshala1
    Kiki, everyone deserves a good whine occasionally. If we don't feel sorry for ourselves, who will? :) Seriously, Hon, just have a good rest and things will look better tomorrow. You are an inspiration to many.
    May 2014
  • MoniQ
    Hang in there <3
    April 2014
  • barryboomer
    If you are interested in doing some Nutritional Work at home check out my profile page. There are lots of things that WE can try not part of the medical part. It makes me feel good to be doing something. Good Luck!
    February 2014
  • BoiseB
    I am so sorry your 2013 was as terrible as mine. I am praying that you have a 2014 as great as 2013 was bad.
    December 2013
  • Dawntaylor
    Hey was wondering if you were ever on watch and wait?
    December 2013
  • geekling
    I read your post about how your changed your life .. not my business, of course, but you spoke of a divorce from a misogynist and eventual remarriage. You said you left with just the clothes on your back... I was curious about your children. Fare thee well.
    November 2013
  • helenm
    Hello from the UK. Reading your posts, I can see you are a fighter and have been through tough times. This is my first cancer so I can only hope that it will not spread. I pray that your CT Results are good. Please let me know.
    My lumbar puncture number one is done so now I go and lie down. :)
    best wishes
    November 2013
  • helenm
    Hi Kiri
    I saw your answer to a question about breast lymphoma and what you said was exactly how it happened for me. Reading your wall, it looks like your cancer was in other areas too. How are you doing now?
    Today I go for my first Lumbar puncture chemo having finished my R-Chop.
    Best wishes
    November 2013
  • avonlea02
    Hi, again. I really am not stalking your posts! ;-) But I read something just now that you posted and thought I would share it! It was a post on depression (we go way back, depression and me!).

    You mentioned saving your hair and I thought of something I read in a book at chemo. I loved it, and actually d did it myself.

    This book mentioned that this cancer patient that lost her hair; she took it outside and spread it on the ground for the birds to use in their nests. Isn't that a great thing?! That maybe an animal or bird can use my hair to stay warm or shelter their young! What a great use of the hair I lost!

    Cool, no?!

    November 2013
  • BELLA2013
    I could think for hours .. Write and rewrite and I
    Don't think I could be more sincere and honest than
    Your response. Your perspective is spot on..
    Best wishes
    November 2013
  • avonlea02
    Wow...i am simply blown away by your answer to what it is like to have cancer...ALL of it true, and I relate to every word.

    This is my third battle in about 18-20 months, and I'm trying so hard to be - and stay - positive. I will not give up.

    Your answer, every word, hits home and I am glad you posted as you did. God bless you!

    November 2013
  • Cocomojoe
    Wow, you answer on what is it like to have cancer hit all the right notes for me. I am 6 yrs cancer free at this point from colon cancer but keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Knock on wood it won't. I love just sitting, listening to the birds, watching a blade of grass grow and am sure I have seen a hummingbird or two.
    November 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    Hey Kiki, Welcome to WhatNext. So glad to have you on board. I think you'll find the site helpful. Lots of friendly folks on here with brains FULL of information. Let me know if I can help you in any way.
    April 2013
  • marshala1
    Sorry you are feeling bad. Sending a prayer your way that you will be over the worst of it soon!
    March 2013