

  • Chinita
    Avonlea you responded to my post about "after chemo activity", and I just wanted to say I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time. I just don't know what to say really, I don't know how you, and all the others, stay so strong. I am finding it so hard at the beginning of this journey to keep my spirits up and cope with it.
    January 2014
  • Gabba
    Hello...I have been thinking about you and want you to know that you are at Mass every Sunday with me in spirit...I know you are going through some tough days but please remember that you are NEVER alone...sharing my guardian angel with you! Fondly, Grace
    January 2014
  • SherriR6379
    Avonlea02, what an inspiration you are!! I am recovering from a bilateral mastectomy and know that a positive attitude does wonders in getting through life's difficulties. My hat's off to you!
    January 2014
  • kiki95632
    Happy New Year! Wishing you the best in 2014
    December 2013
  • kkelly111
    Thanks for answer on Doxil. Doctor saw reaction and just said reaction from chemo
    December 2013
  • 2bbcontinued
    Hi Linda. I'm very sorry you've been have such a rough time. Reading of your trials touches my heart and makes me wish i could do something to help you. I appreciate the effort it takes to maintain the positive attitude. I understand sometimes waivering between positive & negative. Who wouldn't at times have such a battle? After all you are in a battle on two fronts, the cancer and emotional. It is a marvel to me as i read your posts you are able to continue sending out encouragement to others. That only serves to continue inspiring me and I'm sure, others. For that i thank you.
    November 2013
  • VickieGelso
    Hello Avonlea, I was reading about your dilemma in regards to Holy Communion, and going to Mass...I too struggled with this, as my doctor said NO to Church, yet I was able to go shopping during less crowded times, with a mask, and wipe down carts...I live alone, and needed some time for my mental health to get out of the house after my transplant. I understand about Church, you are surrounded by people, and don't know who was exposed to what, who is sick, or will be sick the next day...I know my God understands...I have found an online site that has the Catholic Mass every sunday. Go to http://thesundaymass.org/ They have a video of the Mass (1/2 hr) that can be viewed at any time for yourself...I have my niece bring Holy Communion to me after she goes to Mass at noon...I may not be physically at Church, but I participate in the Mass weekly through this site...and if my niece cannot come over, I make a spirtual communion...Hope this helps till you can get back to Church...God Bless Vickie
    October 2013
  • VickieGelso
    Avonlea, forgot to mention, it is the Sunday Mass for that day, also have archives of previous Sundays, and other prayers on the site... I think if you can post online here at whatnext, you will have no problems with their site at all.
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Linda ! Great to be back.
    Hope you're hangin in. Zoe
    October 2013
  • Gabba
    You were not forgotten at Mass or at Communion this morning...I will be on a cruise next week so if there is Mass on board I will be there, otherwise you and I go back on the 17th!
    Will post when we get home.
    November 2013
  • alscut12
    I always thought I was a mentally strong.
    Cancer proved me right.
    I won't let it control me. You will be fine.
    Just keep looking to the future.
    When you start to feel down just talk to yourself and say enough of this S--t and get into your fighting mode again.
    Good luck!!
    November 2013
  • lilymadeline
    Hi Linda, I have been living with cancer for over 3 years now...it can be done and I know that we can survive this illness for decades! I did end up changing my work however, I couldn't work in an office anymore on regular business hours because my darn doctors seemed to take up so much of my time. So now I have a little home business and I am finally doing alright....I am working less hours but managing somehow. I seem to have gotten very protective of myself, if I don't feel good then I rest. I listen to my body more than I used to...I still push it through exercises every day but I certainly sleep more than I did before cancer. ;-) oh well! It sounds like you are doing great, and doing your best to manage work alongside cancer. Cancer is so greedy of our time, isn't it! Take care! xoxoxoxo Jane
    November 2013
  • Dawn1964
    Hi Linda, I'm doing pretty good. I am extremely grateful to be staying with my Mom. Actually this has brought us closer. I lost my youngest daughter when she 10 to fatal asthma. That was 11 years ago now. I can't believe it... she'd be 21 now. After that I kind of had some issues with seeing my family, participating in family functions...stuff like that. I'm sure my actions hurt them but I didn't mean to. That was not my intentions. I just had difficulty coping. I have a great support system now and feel very grateful and blessed. Part of my 1st chemo rounds included carbo too. It does kick your butt. Its a tough drug but if its kicking you cancers butt its worth it. I can't believe you are still working! You are a very strong women and I really admire your strength and positive attitude. You are very inspiring to me and I thank you for your friendship. It is much needed and I appreciate you!. Please keep me updated on you're doing. You're in my thoughts and prayers always.
    Your friend,
    November 2013
  • Pambsky
    Linda - just checking in. How are you doing? Hang in there. Remember I was Stage IIIC and I'm still here 9 1/2 years later and have never had a recurrence. You can do it too!
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Linda....just wondering if you are OK........:)
    November 2013
  • Dawn1964
    Hi Linda, thank you so much for the kind words. I appreciate you more than I can ever express. We have different cancers but we are still the same. I am not married and have had to move in with my Mom. She is awesome! I have a great support system and am extremely grateful. Cancer however, to me is a very lonely feeling. Your post really touched my heart. I don't understand too much about your type of cancers but it sounds like you're having a rough time right now and I'm truly sorry! Are you starting chemo for the Ovarian or Thyroid cancer? I took Carboplatin on my first rounds of chemo. It was a combo with Alimta. Do you have family close? I pray for you every night. Thank you for being there!
    November 2013
  • Gabba
    I saw you were back in chemo, sorry to hear that...as far as not being able to go to Mass on Sundays, I truly believe God understands and does not want you to put yourself in harm's way...is there someone from your parish who can at least bring you Communion once a week? but I have a deal for you: I will take you with me to Mass on Sundays in my heart and prayers...(10:00 am, Sundays, St. Anthony's Shrine, Boston, MA)...OK? take care and I hope chemo goes swiftly and uneventfully for you.
    October 2013
  • Gabba
    Remember: You are "going" to the 10 am Mass tomorrow in spirit with me!
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Linda, I am down 4th round, 2 more to go. I get Cytoxan and Taxotere, 2 more rounds to go. The first week does seem to be the worst. All in all can't really complain. Hope you keep bouncing back quickly. catch you later.....:)
    October 2013
  • cllinda
    Thanks, Linda, for the suggestions of wipes and hand sanitizer. I think the reason I'm so afraid of germs is that my system was so compromised that I had to be in the hospital 3 separate times and I really don't want to go back. I will call the doctor's office on Monday and see if they have any suggestions for places like church. I just felt so surrounded by germs that I had to leave. Which is not like me, well, not my old self. But I will continue to do all I can to stay healthy. Thanks again.
    October 2013
  • TiffanyJ
    Thank you for your answer about Taxol. How is your neuropathy doing now? My onco told me to expect it in my fingers and feet. He warned me it could go away in months, or years, or never...! But its worth the alternative. May God bless with you with strength and joy. I'll be praying for you. My mom has dealt with cancer four times over the years, and He has been good to her.
    October 2013
  • flamingogirl
    Sorry about your pain on the chemo front. I go back to work on Monday from my reconstruction and hope I can do ok. I'm not taking any pain pills anymore, so I should be. I am taking Valium at bedtime since I am feeling some discomfort by then.

    I still have not had the heart to clean my kitties area yet. I still expect him to be sitting on my bed when I get out of the shower. I don't know how many times I've come around the corner starting to say something to him and then realize, oh yea he's not here anymore. I think its the not knowing where he is that is the hard part. If he had just passed away, I would be better about that. Not good, but better. Thanks so much for the understanding.

    Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this!!
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Linda, I see you are down 5 rounds, that's great. I am due for 4th round Tues. I feel queasy too but if thats as bad as it gets, I'll take it. Glad to see your numbers are coming down. Least you know its working. Hang in there. Catch you later.....:)
    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Linda, how do you feel? How is what feels like neuropathy?
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Linda, just letting you know I am thinking of you and hope you are doing OK.....:)
    October 2013
  • denice1965
    thank you so much for asking!!!
    i'm doing some better today, hurting some and a bit apprehensive still, but all the advice i got from everyone and the support really helped alot!!!, i hope you are doing well today!!!, thank you so much for the advice!!!
    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Thank you for the like. I hope next week is better.
    October 2013
  • HOBO
    HI Linda,

    Sorry you have not felt so good this.week. I have had a pretty rough time of it. Chemo made me sick from.the moment the first ounce hit my system. I am just now.beginning to remember what it felt like to not be sick and in pain all the time. I am blessed with many wonderful people in my life, but have not been able to enjoy life. I wanted to see friends before rads.start Monday just in case I do not tolerate rads well.either. I hope next week.is better for you and am.glad my.happy day brought you some joy too. Sending hugs,

    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Thanks for your response to cumulative chemo question, Linda. I keep expecting to feel much worse. Down 3 out of 6 rounds and so far, so good, knock on wood.
    October 2013
  • Marianne
    Hi, avonlea02. Your email address didn't post. I'll put the recipe on the community website so everyone can see it as soon as you get to my computer. I think you'll like it.
    October 2013