

  • meyati
    Hi, how are you and your husband doing? Is he OK after his surgery? I've been wondering about that.

    I finally got over my strep. I'm still coughing. The doctor is prescribing all of the forbidden meds that the FDA says-No--It's actually easier to get it than it was 2-5 years. I guess they got sued by patients. or something. Anyway the forbidden is working.

    You remember those mexican hurricanes that we've been having in the last 6 or 8 weeks? One was last week. They ended up in Albuquerque. The one several weeks ago really flooded south NM- and rained here for 24 hours.We're still in the drought criteria-not enough rainfall.

    I have a friend south of Tucson that usually gets these rains. he was all happy and set out his water barrels, and the rains didn't go near him at all.
    September 2016
  • Sharlie
    Been think about you a lot this week. Just wanted to send you love, hugs and prayers.
    September 2016
  • Carool
    Hi, Chris. How's your husband? Sending you both much love.
    September 2016
  • meyati

    Here are pics and videos. A starving little female elephant was found and taken to a sanctuary, where she grew up.

    They turned her loose, and like many young women, she found herself pregnant. She went back home to the sanctuary. These are beautiful pics and videos of her teeny baby
    September 2016
  • meyati
    Hi. I was talking the other day, and I thought that you might enjoy this.

    You see, I think that God has a Candid Camera and a sense of humor. Sometimes things get so ridiculous that I have to laugh. I get upset, but it still keeps coming.

    I had monk cloth curtains in my house. It's heavy and insulates wonderfully.

    It was time to wash my curtains. While I don't remember the exact sequence of events, I do remember the events.

    I hung up 5 long lines of wet monk cloth. The clothes pins broke, and I had to drive 20 miles to a trading post.

    OK, hung up the rewashed clothes, and Levi-3 years old decided that it would be wonderful to cover himself up in a curtain, spin around in circles, fall on the grass and roll around. I got him up, put him in a corner, and rewashed curtains. The hound helped.

    I got the lines pretty full, and the coon hound decided to pull all of the curtains down. I had to rewash them again, and I locked the hound up.

    I was hanging the curtains again, and the lines fell down. My husband used one radioactive cable that was about 200 ft long.

    We went to the Trading Post again. By that time, my neighbors noticed this activity, so everyone was teasing me.

    We had a whirlwind, and I loaded levi and the hound up again, and we drove down the road and across the mesa getting my curtains. Some neighbors found some of my curtains and drove them over for me. Now the whirl wind might have happened before the line broke-maybe not-but everyone was on the hunt for lawn furniture and clothes.

    I think that was about it, until my husband came home. He left the gate open and he wanted to know why I wasn't done washing the curtains.

    He came out to help me, and cows came in to eat the grass. The curtains were covered with cow slobber, cow hair, and the cows wiped their rear ends on the curtains. Calves were in the curtains playing much like Levi and the coonhound. I couldn't take it anymore, I laughed so hard that I couldn't talk-- really sort of hysterical.

    Anyway, my husband jumped in the truck and drove after a calf that had a curtain stuck on it.

    I finished the curtains the next day, as each batch needed 2 washings. I took the hose and tried to thoroughly hose all of the green and brown off. I did a pretty good job too. All of the neighbors thought that I should rehome Levi, my husband and the hound-maybe drop them off in the middle of nowhere-they decided that I was a saint, after I asked them if they'd laugh if they saw this in a movie? Sure, they'd laugh.

    My husband could never see that aspect. I got the curtains bleached out.

    So anyway--
    September 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    No word today?
    September 2016
  • BoiseB
    I said many prayers for you and your husband yesterday in church also included Live With Cancer.
    September 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you doing? Do you have the biopsy reports yet?

    As usual things around here aren't running smoothly-or they are smooth for us. The front room is filled with gear like tents, folding tables, boxes of pamphlets, life vests for the Coast Guard Aux, NM Game and Fish, State parks, and State Police.

    Next week the State fair starts. The State Police Aqua something tables with these groups about boat safety and laws-Like you can get ticketed for a DWI in the middle of a really huge lake. People that avoid the police go to this tent because they see Coast Guard AUX uniforms and posters.

    My son managed getting through this summer without an idiot threatening to sue him. The stupidiest one was a man that claimed my son made his young sick son sicker, while they waited 2 hours for a boat inspection. The mother was with her boyfriend and they were scared of my son because he wore a government uniform. There were 3 inspectors-2 CGA and 1 State park ranger. Paperwork from all 3 showed a boat inspection every 20 minutes or less. But the thing is--Why does a mother take a small sick child on a long drive and then out on a lake- long drive home? Oh well. People have actually contacted the flotella and cops that my son was very nice and helped them with problems and was really nice to their kids.

    In 2 weeks it will be all over with.
    September 2016
  • Carool
    Hi, Chris! I've been staying away, not wanting to tire you, but I have seen, and appreciate, your "Like"s, so I wanted to say hello once again. Now that I see your wall I see lots has been happening. I'm glad your husband's surgery is over, and I'm hoping, of course, for a very negative path report. And that your pain is under control. Sending you my love - Carol
    September 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    HI Chris, really hoping that you and hubby got good news yesterday!!

    Big hugs!!!
    August 2016
  • Sharlie
    Hi, Chris. Was thinking about you this morning and just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. How is the palliative care working for you? My memory sure isn't what it used to be and I can't remember if your hubby already had his surgery or not. He was in my thoughts as well. Sending prayers for good results for him and a speedy recovery...whenever it happens.
    August 2016
  • Sharlie
    Hey Chris. Just wanted you to know I've been thinking about you and especially your husband all throughout the day today...which is almost over. I really hope his surgery went well and that he gets a good report. And I hope he will follow doctors orders for a quicker healing. Men can be so obstinate! (oops, don't tell him I said that...lol)
    August 2016
  • meyati
    Hi! I'm Back!! How are you doing? Is the smoke bothering you any? Boise has been having trouble being a few miles from a major fire. I saw on the news that Washington State finally realized the fire is going to get them, so they're sending teams to Idaho.

    NM always offers help to TX, OK, UT, and CO. It's tricky with AZ. If they pretend a major fire isn't there-they don't have to pay for it. They also refuse to sign a compact to let our hotshots cross the state line for a mile or 2-- if they allowed NM Hotshots across the line- AZ would have to admit a fire was going.

    About 5 years ago-one raged for about 2 months. It was on national FOX, NBC, CBS, and ABC. It could be seen red by satellites. Finally US forest service and congress talked some sense into the governor. Crazy world--

    I'm sort of out of sorts with Levi. My circular saw wore out last year, and nobody told me. I set everything up-and the old saw went w-h-ii-ne and couldn't cut balsa wood. I ordered one online-- at 9, I can pick it up..

    I guess I'll watch a cooking show or ID with all of the murder shows.
    August 2016
  • BoiseB
    Chris you mentioned a while ago that your husband would be having surgery at the end of the month. Has a date been set?
    I am not able to go to church today as the smoke has returned and I have a compromised respiratory system. However I will put aside a special time for prayer and meditation. I will pray for you and your husband at this time.
    August 2016
  • Carool
    Chris, I'm thinking of you and just wanted to wave to you from Brooklyn and tell you that I hope you are comfortable and that your pain level is low. Sending you a soft hug and love. Carol
    August 2016
  • meyati
    GoneWest- we have a troll that seldom posts anything but criticism--Troll said that Sharlie and I were of subject. That there wasn't any place to have an off-track conversation in a question. Never mind that this site blocks Email addresses, phone numbers, and it doesn't have the function of private. Carool and I were discussing family on a wall-we knew it was public-anybody could read it--- BUT WHATNEXT FEATURED IT-- I told Greg about that- and he wrote back that shouldn't have been featured. We didn't have anything embarrassing-nor of value/interest to anybody else.

    I don't know if you remember this spring when somebody told me to leave America and Whatnext, because I was unAmerican, and I was destroying America--It's no big deal if you remember. it seems that I'm not the only one that's been told this for awhile. Everyone says that hurt them. We have people on Whatnext that are Europeans, Africans, Asians and they aren't living in America. I told that to the troll and the reply was rude- I asked if she served-father-husband-child-NO but she loves America and she won't let people like me destroy it. That's why I posted pics of my husband's ships for the 4th of July. I take care of my son, a disabled vet---

    Then we have some people that are very vocal about religion---The Patriot is an avowed atheist. She went to a post last year or earlier and tried to start an arguement- I don't know about other people-but she went to my wall and called me stupid more than once--It doesn't make any difference who she is.

    Then we have the concerned religious- End of the world-- you don't have the correct Christian attitude-if you were a Christian you wouldn't say that.

    I don't want to bother you-but I think this sums it up. We don't feel good and there are days that we feel worse--So things hurt or hurt a lot---Some days we lose self-control- might be the meds-- some days things bother us more than normal.

    I'm glad that this hasn't happened to you.

    Anyway- Greg said- this needs to stop----I asked him if he would issue a blanket statement that this is an International site-and what's an American is not up for discussion.

    Anyway-- Greg knows about it- He's taking care of it-so don't worry. This is part of life. So take care--don't worry.
    August 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you doing? I was glad to see you write to broken--

    She's just worrying about too many different things. it's rough to say, but her son needs to grow up to college age, and do his own business.

    The schools provide counselors-adult full time employees and students of many ages that have training to help students find free monies and get loans. If they are trying to avoid student loans-that's another issue and an almost impossible goal unless he works part time.

    Are these new fires bothering you? Our heat wave broke. It wasn't as hot as Barstow or Blythe, but my rain barrels were still hot to the touch at 5 AM. that was hot enough---

    July 2016
  • geekling
    Just dropping a note to wish you well.
    August 2016
  • meyati
    I just wanted to say--Hi, I love you. I wish that I could just sit with you---
    August 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    HI Chris, you are on my mind. I hope you are doing okay. I miss seeing you here. Prayers and love coming your way from.Texas.
    August 2016
  • SandiA
    Hi Chris, you have been on my mind a lot the last couple of days. I have been praying for you! So I wanted to say hi and send ((hugs)). Sandi
    August 2016
  • Lorie
    Hi Chris
    You are in my thoughts and Sending you hugs and prayers for comfort. Lorie
    August 2016
  • CAS1
    Hi Chris, just thought of you today.
    Sending good thoughts and hope.
    August 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hi Chris, just stopping by to let you know that you're on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers.
    July 2016
  • kalindria
    Hi Chris,
    I was thinking of you today and wanted to send my warmest thoughts and good wishes.
    Love and gentle hugs.
    August 2016
  • BoiseB
    Chris I want you to know that I prayed for you at church today. I keep you in my daily prayers also
    August 2016
  • KiVier2011
    Gonewest i am so sorry at your news. My son is 21 and also received the news that his tumor is untreatable and he will soon die. We are simply living day to day with him, and trying to make each moment the best it can be. I wish you all the love your friends and family can provide, and that you know until the end of your days that you are loved. God bless
    July 2016
  • BoiseB
    Chris I have been so devastated by your news that I have prayed myself to sleep for the last two nights. As always I will offer special prayers for you at church this evening
    July 2016
  • Carool
    Hi, Chris. Thinking of you. Sending my usual hugs, which I refrigerated so that you'll feel cool in this hot weather. Pretty bow on top. I hope your husband got good news. Love, Carol
    July 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hi Chris! I am stopping by to see how you and your husband are, too. Think of you often and pray that you're both doing well. Love and hugs!
    July 2016