

  • LindaMHansen
    Barry, your answer to How to deal with death had all the GRACE of a pregnant Moose on rollerskates in a china shop.. We all know we are born into a mortal life but when someone is grieving the coming loss of the most important person in their life YOU should use a little more compassion than hitting them over the head with it .
    August 2014
  • Rebelladyp
    Where can I purchase the products you mentioned in your experiences. Thank you so much for your post.
    July 2014
  • Peaches22
    I like the way you think Dude
    July 2014
  • banditwalker
    barryboomer, evidently the Claritin works by reducing the inflammation in the cells of the bone marrow. This is what my doc told me. Don't know why it did not work for me but luckily I was not affected so bad that it was debilitating. I am also one of those people who, if a drug says it will make you drowsy, I end up wired and up all night.
    July 2014
  • doebuns
    My sister passed this link to me, interesting read.
    July 2014
  • geekling
    Its not too late, Boomer. Not until they put you in a suit and lay you down. You need to eat a LOT, however, and don't forget to grow the sprouts! Cheers.
    July 2014
  • rfink2013
    a year ago I would have said I smoke outside never near my family or kids. I'm not hurting anyone but myself. NOT TRUE, the day I had to tell my kids my 10 year old laid crying and screamed I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!!! I was hurting everyone and didn't even see it. I am thankful to god for giving me this second chance and will always remember it. I hope this helps.
    June 2014
  • LaurieCP
    Clearly, you're the talented songwriter of the group, but here's a little ditty I wrote just for you. - Laurie

    Sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday Baby"

    Happy, happy birthday Barry
    You've brought such joy in your lifetime
    I hope your day is extra special
    And your Light continues to brightly shine.

    Happy, happy birthday Barry
    You're a man of many gifts
    With a soul that's purely joyous
    And a Spirit that profoundly lifts.

    July 2014
  • MaryChristine
    You are a nurse? Me too. I've seen the best and worst. I think our backgrounds are probably very different. I worked in a teaching hospital. I had a short period working for a Family Practice doc.
    July 2014
  • LaurieCP
    Hi Barry!

    The word INSPIRE literally means to breathe life into someone. I just want you to know you have done that for me. I am truly grateful to have found you. You are making a difference in my life and I'm so happy about that. I hope to return the favor someday.

    Love and Light,
    July 2014
  • meyati
    Hi barry-thanks for showing up. Do you eat the oils or rub them in the cuts? I had a Persian physics professor that said that olive oil heals most wounds. I had a canker sore that just wouldn't heal, then I thought of King David, and Homer's account of Troy-and my
    prof, after I got home from a doctor's visit. I put oil on 4 times a day- and prayed-meditated. When I went back in, the doctor asked me what in the world did I use for that to heal up so quickly.

    I've put olive oil on other things, and it didn't work--maybe someone blessed that bottle-IDK--I probably should have used that bottle for the mothership, instead of using it on pasta.

    Do you mind if I say that I'm really depressed? I get up at dawn to go out and walk the dogs, work in the yard-then I go crazy in the house-waiting for dusk to come, where I can go out. Then to have something like finger slashes to keep me from doing even that.
    July 2014
  • meyati
    Dr. Ben Dover.. States have to hire proctologists to examine uranium miners-I also think that some other types of mines need proctologists-but uranium miners for sure. This state had over a 100 mines, some with a 1,000 employees, and they had 2 B checked twice a year.

    Apparently Dr. Ben Dover was tortured by the Nazis or Commies, and all of his fingers had multiple breaks that were never set well.
    The only thing he could do was have miners bend over.

    When my son joined the Coast Guard, and up at the VA-He spent his time praying for a doctor that had small hands when it was time to bend over. He was on a cutter, where the crew was mad because they had a female doctor come aboard. My son was saying- Small fingers, small fingers-- No broken fingers-You guys are stupid- small fingers.
    July 2014
  • luv
    have you read
    July 2014
  • meyati
    Barry could you write a song for me. What in the world do my doctors expect from me? Something like that---

    Okay--internists orthopedists say that I should get more vitamin D for my bones and prevent half of a dozen diseases. Dermatologists say stay out of the sun-who cares about bones and teeth? who cares about rickets?

    GYN and urologists say that I shouldn't lift weights or saddle my horse, as that ruins the bladder, especially for women.

    PCPs, cardiologists, physical therapists, dentists, say lift weights, it builds the bones up-increases the absorption of calcium, vitamins C and D, reverses osteoporosis that makes bones fall apart.

    They say-sit down so you don't get varicose veins-stand up so you burn more calories

    Take estrogen in menopause, so that you have a strong heart and good bones and teeth. Don't take estrogen because it increases the chances of cancer.

    Walk a lot so you aren't constipated, you have a good heart and cardiovascular system, and be over weight. Walking gives you shin splints, heel spurs, Achilles tendon problems, ruins your knees, and causes rhabdomyolysis.

    For my self- when I get one that wants me to hide under my covers all day- I tell them That I'd have medical problems if I sat on the couch all day and watched Judge Judy or had a bucket over my head- just patch me up and let me have fun.

    Just do my doctors want from me?

    I'm sure that you've run into contradictions about male health care.

    Thank you
    July 2014
  • meyati
    Hi Barry. I had my scan yesterday. The scan/imaging department of radiology now uses facial recognition soft-ware. I hope that they start using it elsewhere-like day surgery centers,colonoscopy clinics, check in at huge clinics with about 20+ doctors.

    Oncology did over a year's treatment and surgery for breast cancer on a 55 year-old woman that was using her cousin's social security and medicare advantage card. The real patient-cousin went into urgent care- and a young nurse wondered why the patient had both boobs, no chemo port, nothing. The radiation receptionist told me that. Since radiation treatment was almost finished, the clinic directors decided to finish the treatment, but sue the insurance card holder for the treatment and filed insurance fraud on both of them.

    The successful defense--But my cousin had cancer, what could I do-the state hospital told her to wait for an opening. me- what makes these people more special than a neighbor down the street that follows the rules? They got 90 days suspended.

    She said that many doctors and clinics would have fired her. The radiation doctor told them that the oncology, the primary care physician, and a few others should have figured this out-especially the primary care doctor.

    Pres did an investigation, and found plenty of other cases, that involved regular insurance companies like Blue Cross, etc. These people could have gone to medicare, etc. I think that this type of fraud reduces the monies needed for legitimate care, including hospices.

    I think that people should have a right for medical care. I don't like the ACA, but things like this keeps any program from working.
    July 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Yes barryboomer I do believe to each their own.Enjoy your ughs !!,you wouldn't be you without them.Thanks for all the helpful information you dish out also.
    July 2014
  • Newman3
    I had a boyfriend & when I told him I've got breast cancer he left the next day. Luckily, I had a loving family &friends that gave me the support I needed. i met a great guy after radiation & we have been together 6 years now. There is someone out their for you. God loves you if you need someone he is the best one to seek. Pray to him and he will answer your prays. Just wait & see.
    June 2014
  • Tlc91773
    It looks like we have similar diagnosis - I go this week to find out treatment (or not treatment). Can you tell me what diet you are following - you mentioned plant based and I think some supplements - where did you find this info?
    June 2014
  • Carool
    Barryboomer, LOLed at your "68 ugh"! As another Baby Boomer (66), I must say there's not much "ugh" in reaching, and exceeding, the far side of sixty. Hope we all get old enough to realize how "young" we were when we were only 68! Best, Caroolboomer
    June 2014
  • KLC
    Hey Barry. Check out My holistic Dr and I discussed Ave' yesterday. I'm exploring natural options vs Tamoxifen . . .seems they've done trials with it and multiple types of cancer. I know you're going the natural route so wanted to share with you. It also promotes optimal NK cell targeting ability and coordinate response. . .read through, you may want to add it to your regimen. Karen
    June 2014
  • meyati
    June 2014
  • meyati
    I was diagnosed with severe irritable Bowel Syndrome by the Navy in 1966. My stomach was compared to former POWs in the Pacific, when they were in their 40s. I had doctors that went with the Brits to Nazi POW and death camps and helped develop the diet of recovery for these poor people. Then they were given different areas of the Pacific. I had the head doctor for the Philippines. Because of Viet Nam, He was in San Diego, and he supervised my care. He checked in on me about every 3 months.

    A group of doctors would be attending me, kids, older doctors that were interested in being gastroentestinlogists-they called themselves internists at the time. They'd stand there in front of me, and the experienced ones told the others that I probably wouldn't live into my 50s. In my 40s, they said that I had the stomach of an IBS person in their 60s or 70s.

    Anyway, I've had several vitamin B deficiencies, so I take B 6 and 12-my problem. I had my first deficiency before I began taking Zantac. It helps kill the pain in my stomach. I had female problems, and they said- -Does that hurt-No- They did a hysterectomy-and honest to God- they said--You should have been screaming with pain, and I asked- Why-my stomach felt normal. My bones are pretty strong in spite of Zantac since the mid-90s. Like I said- I took a header when the Bluetick escaped--my teeth are healthy.

    I have skin cancer that went amouk. I spent about 30 years trying to get it cut out- I'm not avoiding the sun the way I should, but I still try to stay out of it. I began taking D 3, when I got the diagnosis-but I never heard of D 2. My lab work says D 2 deficiency. I see my head Oncologist the 9th. I'll take in what I take-and I'll let you know.
    June 2014
  • meyati
    Barry-I like you more and more.
    June 2014
  • JasmineG
    loved you song on youtube. surround yourself with happiness peace and music, and you will live a happy life.
    May 2014
  • Pathfinder
    I appreciate your posts, I felt the same way Chris did/does and you do and decided not to go ahead with the chemo. I will apply common sense and change my eating habits and exercise and build up my immune system to conquer the cancer from recurring, I had a good CT scan result this past week too.I do believe in the power of prayer and faith being an essential key to recovery and remission too. I will see a nutritionist and will monitor my health with some medical support from local Cancer Center. Amen to your prayer and the story of the little 2 yr. old girl was very touching...I consider my situation doesn't compare to children with cancer and it puts things in perspective in the overall fight against the disease..
    May 2014
  • pespinoza
    Barry, I hope you are doing well. Your story is inspirational!! And thanks for the link to the Chris website. It is exactly what we feel.

    We are working on diet, pH, cannabis -legal in CA, but we are fearful of CA-125 raising. It has double in 20 days. And while we don't want the poison again (did 6 cycle + surgery already), we are feeling we may have no choice. Would you look at my posts for some background and respond ?
    May 2014
  • Judt1940
    Barry, last scan I was dreading the drinking but I was given drink that was like not an unpleasant water. There is something better for them to use. Didn't dread scan that forcing down of horrible drink.
    May 2014
  • KLC
    Hey BB. Just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation. I loaded up my kindle with a few new books yesterday and one is Radical Remission. . .based on the synopsis provided, looks like it's going to be a valuable read. Hope you're doing well : )
    May 2014
  • skimpy10
    Hi Barry, I didn't mean to sound harsh also. I can tell your passionate about helping people. No need for apologies. I think I have a bad case of acid reflux. I asked about doing smoothies, and I was told no. Apple sauce is the only raw food I'm allowed to eat. I will be finding out on Monday if the ulcer is healed enough to do other foods. I gather the citric acid was causing my ulcer to bleed bad. I had to have several blood transfusion to get it under control. My diet is very restricted right now, so hopefully I get news on Monday.
    May 2014
  • Jenvivace
    Hey sorry if I sounded a little harsh about your raw diet suggestion. I feel bad that I may have come off sounding gruff. I was a little stressed yesterday and was much more terse than I meant to be. I very much respect your lifestyle choice.... I was a vegetarian for 25ish years before starting to eat some fish a few years ago for the sake of my growing boys. I used to juice every day. I don't eat processed foods. I am with you on the importance of a healthy diet.... And most Americans eat horribly, so changing their diet could make a considerable impact on their health and longevity. Anyway, I sincerely wish to apologize if I came off mean... I didn't mean to bite your head off!
    May 2014