

  • LiveWithCancer
    Just dropping by to see how you're doing, Stylerman! Hope you're feeling better and better after your last chemo treatment.
    May 2015
  • ffingar
    I too had been thinking of you and wondered about your CT. So glad it was clear of new cancer but so sorry you had to wait so long for the results. I know you're struggling with the neuropathy and I hope it improves. What is the next plan for you?
    June 2015
  • angeldancer
    I just realized we are kind of the same age with the same diagnosis. I was diagnosed at 49 at the end of 2013 and in January I had the surgery first then the treatments (my doctor didn't go with protocol). Anyway, I want to express how staying positive even when it gets rough is important. I cried a lot, prayed a lot, and tried to laugh as much as I could. We are here for you.
    April 2015
  • mtnraindancer
    Sending hugs and good energy your way!!...You can do've more than earned the right to tattoo the phrase "YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY".. anywhere you want to have it, lol..Smile when you can and breathe when you should..Wishing you the best today....
    April 2015
  • mtnraindancer
    We all's good ole' life, lol..I know life is not all black and white but for me, I think that life force is good and bad energy..negative and positive..yen and yang..I think we have the choice to add to either one of those or pull from either one of those..It's not easy to reach for the "good" at times, but for me, after I've sweated and cussed my way thru what ever it is, I know it is the choice to make...Whatever it is, hang on and know you are not in the boat alone...big hug
    March 2015
  • mtnraindancer
    Thank you and everyone else for the words of encouragement...I guess the initial shock has worn off some and we are just trying to process all of the information we can on everything. It sure does seem that everything related to this disease, from the people diagnosed with it, the treatments, and the outcomes, are all over the board.We started supplements, including glutamine early before treatment, so I hope that they at least help with the side effects of the chemo..He has his second treatment next Wednesday...One day at a the elephant one bite at a time..(but did it have to be such a big elephant, lol???)Wishing you peace and sending good energy your way..thanks again..
    March 2015
  • MoveIt2012
    Good morning Stylerman--I just wanted to check in on you to let you know you are frequently in my thoughts,
    March 2015
  • jl4husker
    Hi--I just wanted to respond back to you because you shared some of your experiences in dealing with advanced colon cancer. My husband was diagnosed with stage IV with major spread to both lungs and at least a couple lymph nodes. His prognosis was pretty bleak. It really does sound like there are many similarities in both of you. He still has terrible nausea and neuropathy despite the standard meds prescribed but I'll be sure to tell him what you've tried because I think it can help him too. He says he's not depressed and there's a part of me that believes that, but then again, it's only been 6-7 weeks or so since diagnosis and work was a HUGE part of his identity. I know he struggles with it because I'm with him every day now. Your struggle will surely be his over time so I thank you for sharing that along with the suggestions. It's important not to get fixated on a deadline on survival because I'm finding out every day that people beat the odds. And to just take any moment(s) you have and enjoy life! You clearly have your priorities right and I'm really thankful you shared with us. Please feel free to share, to commiserate, to ask questions or just plain vent--we're right here!! And he will be more involved shortly. He's dealing with wrapping up work responsibilities, doing medical records and facing disability, but more likely forced retirement which isn't easy for ANYONE. You're close to his age too if I'm right so you share a great deal. Please stay in touch! I think you could learn from one another. God bless you!
    March 2015
  • IronMom45
    Thank you for your comment in the other post about my helping you and others. Whatnext has helped me so much as well. It is good know what I have attempted to give back is really helping others. Hope you have a good day! Off to labs this morning and it feels like 30 below zero. Hard to go out! Just want to stay under my blankets lol thanks for your positive influence here as well !
    February 2015
  • MoveIt2012
    Hope the climb up the post chemo hill starts sooner rather than later.

    You can do this!
    November 2014
  • junebug0121
    Hi Stylerman.. wishing you an easy trip through chemo-land. My worst side effects were the inability to touch or eat cold things. I stayed ahead of the nausea by taking both nausea meds when I got home from chemo. It was a fairly rough road.. but I did it, and you can too! Let us know if you have questions, need to vent, whine or whatever! ( :
    Happy Veterans Day and thank you for your service!
    November 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hi, Im not sure if you posted which nausea meds you were on but I read your post and your first chemo sounds like mine. For the 2nd chemo they switched to IV med Emend prior to the infusion and with the 2nd/3rd chemo no nausea/no vomiting. I also taken phenegran every 6 hours after chemo for the first 3-4 days. best wishes.
    November 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    I'm hoping that you are feeling better and about to start back up. When is your next treatment?
    November 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    Hang in there today. I'll be thinking of you.
    October 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Haven't seen much from you lately so am just checking in. I hope your port recovery and maybe a first treatment (?) are going okay.
    October 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    Don't want to be pushy just checking on the mood. Hope it is good today. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you!
    October 2014
  • Phoenix76
    Just a thought - I don't remember if I shared with you that there's a numbing cream (it's called "EMLA") which you can put on about an hour before treatment to numb the port site. It's by Rx, and mine cost about $10. Here's a video link:

    If you don't mind a little discomfort (it's more than just the usual needle pinch), then you can certainly forgo it. It's by Rx, and mine cost about $10.
    October 2014
  • alohadeb
    Sounds like you are almost exactly where I was 1 year ago! I was diagnosed late September from my first colonoscopy, surgery in early October and had my port put in on halloween last year! I started chemo 11/04. You'll get through all the craziness I promise! We find out how strong we really are. You'll hv your moments... and when you do- know that it's normal and turn to us here- this site is amazing w all of the support and understanding we get here. Once your chemo starts- you'll hv side affects (or is it 'effects' ?!?) :-) that lots of us hv gone through and can gv tips- so ask!! Stay positive as best you can- it makes a world of difference!!
    October 2014
  • cindywho
    Hello Stylerman Don't isolate yourself from anyone. You need the support of family and friends. You have to stay POSITIVE!!! Don't let anything get you down. I was diagnosed 5 years had chemo and radiation treatments 2 surgeries have been going every 6 months for a checkup had my colonscopy and it was all good. Going to see my doctor in December and the I will be let go and come back in a year unless I feel something is not right. Good luck!! God bless you. Cindy Burnett Sherburn Minnesota
    October 2014
  • zubsha
    Welcome! How are you doing? Will you be starting chemo soon or did you already start? It isn't fun but it is manageable Good luck
    October 2014
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    October 2014
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are happy to have you with us. Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, I encourage you to go to the questions page now by clicking on the questions tab at the top of the page and post what is the most pressing issue you have right now. This will introduce you to the community and get you started on the help you need right now.

    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join.

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    GregP 3X Survivor
    October 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    Have a great day today!
    October 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    Like the pic
    October 2014
  • Gabba
    First of all, thank you for your service. Secondly, thanks for "following" me. Thirdly, welcome to our community. We are all here for one another and have lots to share with, and learn from, each other. Be sure to ask questions and join in our discussions. Both of my parents had colorectal cancer so I am hyper vigilant about my colonoscopies and never expected to get breast cancer!
    Sending along best wishes as you go through treatment.
    October 2014
  • NewBeginnng40
    First of all, I would like to thank you for your service to our great country. Glad you are finished with the surgery with no complications and that you are getting support from all of the amazing people on this website. Things do move fast after a cancer diagnosis but I want to say try to stay positive, stay in prayer. New treatments are coming out so rapidly that a cure isn't far off. Hang in there, you're going to get through this. My Dad battled cancer 3 times and is still with us in remission. It's a battle that you can handle but it will forever change you. May God bless you and grant you a full recovery : )
    October 2014
  • Kattjade
    Hi my name is Kaci everyone calls me Katt. I'm a 32-year-old woman diagnosed with colorectal cancer as well. I was diagnosed June 3 of this year. Had emergency surgery to remove the 8 cm x 8cm tumor on June 5. Had complications from the first surgery where my colon tore and fecal matter was spilling inside me. So I had a second emergency surgery on June 12 th. That's when I had to have a temporary colostomy put in. And a drain hanging out of my right side for an entire month draining fluid and any remaining infection out of me. I spent the entire month of June in the hospital. On July 18th I had my port installed. Went smooth,only had light sedation and was out and having lunch at a restaurant by 1pm that same day. I went on to continuous infusion with the 5F you pump what was supposed to be for six weeks. My body did not tolerate it well at all and I had to be taken off of it during week four. Today is my final day of radiation a total of 25 treatments. My body will rest for the next month until the end of October or the beginning of November then we will begin the FOLFOX chemotherapy treatment for six months. After that I should be done will do a pet scan hopefully I will be cancer free unlawful go back to normal. If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask me I'm traveling the same road as you are and I will do everything in my power to help you along anytime day or night I don't get much sleep best of luck to you I'm praying for you. you got this
    October 2014