

  • IronMom45
    Hello just read your post on check in. So are you done with tx now? Hope all ok with you!
    February 2016
  • judyinflorida
    Thinking of you and hoping for the best.
    November 2015
  • judyinflorida
    Just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. I see from your posts that it seems to be just chemo after chemo. That's really tough. I've only had one, but will probably be having another soon. Do the ct's show any progress? Are your tumors any other place in your body? Have you had radiation?
    October 2015
  • cam32505
    Hello gardener, I'm sorry you're having to endure more treatment. I thought the first time was bad enough. I hope you do well with your current treatment.
    October 2015
  • Laura65
    Hi Gardener, nice to meet you. I am so glad to have people who are in the same boat I am. How are you?
    August 2015
  • Estherj
    Hi wondering how you are doing. AZ sun is good for us as we just returned from there. I have a scan next week to see if the nodules have changed. It is hard to wait to know what is happening.
    March 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hi thank you for remembering my daughter. How are you doing?
    April 2015
  • sherrya
    Hi, have not been on whatsnext for awhile, sorry to see you have had recurrences every year. Encouraging to see you are doing good. You are a strong person, wish you the best.
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    You are in my thoughts today as I scrolled back through the months today and reread our mutual post. Praying today is a good day for you.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks for the advise.I appreciate all the encouragement.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks for the encouragement!!
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Hello sorry for your most recent news. And please forgive me for asking and you don't have to answer was radiation advised for you during your initial diagnosis or wasn't related to stage? Will continue to keep in prayer.
    November 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hi funny after ur off the island comment made me laugh was going to look up you too. I also worked health care and I'm in no shape between central line, Chemo brain and low white counts to be taking care of anyone else. So right now going to just take care of me and mine but it is part of me I miss but realizing not the most important part of me. Thanks for the advice.
    November 2014
  • IronMom45
    Thanks for your comments. As one in the middle of tx my feelings are all over. Up down up. Afraid of radiation s/e the brachy. Wondering all the time what's next and realizing I thought I was a pretty calm person but lately kinda wonder who I am and why some who I thought I knew aren't the same since all this either. Thanks for the input.
    October 2014
  • Judt1940
    How are you doing now? Reading about your "baby hair". I'm going 26th for first hair "shaping" since finishing chemo. Did your hair ever thicken up?
    July 2014
  • timetoshare
    How are you? I am sending out a Monday morning "thinking of you" and this message is sent to all
    June 2014
  • NeenaMAO
    Thank you for sharing your story
    May 2014
  • sherrya
    Hi Gardener, I remember you. Sorry to hear the news. Know the feeling, I think mine is now in lymph nodes and maybe lungs. I finished chemo in Sept of 2013. In Oct my scan showed an opaque node to be watched(what the heck?) my last scan in Jan 2014 shows enlarged nodes and fluid in my lungs. So now I am off to have a biopsy, is it a recurrence if within 6 months? Or should it have been noticed back then, I was 1a with UPSC last April. Wondering if my treatment was sufficient. Did you have radiation? I am considering a change of dr's, not very confident. Good luck, I will check to see how you are doing.
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    Check out MY profile for some ideas going forward.
    Good Luck!
    February 2014
  • Judt1940
    Sorry you are doing this again. LOL Judy
    February 2014
  • 1minicat
    Hi Gardener,

    Thanks for for your comment. I was diagnosed last March with stage 1a uterine cancer. Had full histo and no sign of any cancers anywhere else. Told to do nothing. In October started bleeding again. Found new cancer on vaginal cuff. Just finished three chemos and they didn't shrink the tumor. Now on to radiation. Really scared and doctor really does tell me anything. Pet scan shows only one tumor on the cuff and nothing any where else. Just can't get a grip on what is happening since they said I would not have cancer again with a 1a.

    I minicat
    January 2014
  • retiredcat
    Hello Gardener from another gardener in Georgia. Can you really garden in your state. During my journey of a year and a half I have often wondered how women in snowy states get their treatments. With my radiation treatment I was always worried that we would have a snow or ice event which closes everything down.
    I am sorry to hear you had stage IV. Mine was 1b with vascular involvement and looks like it has already come back in my lung. My pet scan in March will tell if it has doubled and then the fun begins.
    Good luck with your treatments and surgery recovery. Hope you have many friends and family to help you.
    December 2013
  • Estherj
    Great to hear that you can have your hair trimmed. My hair has come back while having chemo as thick white fuzz and not sure if it will stay during the next 6 rounds. It looks like the hair I had when I was 2 years old.:-).
    November 2013
  • sherrya
    Hello Gardener, How are your treatments going? I just had surgery, haven't started treatments yet. Best of luck to you
    July 2013
  • carm
    I am an oncology/end of life nurse that specializes in gyne cancers. Welcome to the "What Next" family. If you should have any questions or concerns that you feel I might be able to help you with, please do not hesitate to ask. There are many excellent people here always willing to help in any way with the latest information or experiences to share. You are among friends….there are no strangers here. I hope you find all the information and support you seek, Carm RN.
    July 2013
  • mjs24
    Good morning Gardener, I'm sorry you find a need for this websight but it is a great place to find some answers and help when you most need it. Wishing you all the best with your treatment! Mjs24
    July 2013
  • tribefan215
    Welcome. This site is great. Enjoy.
    July 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Gardener, we are happy to have you, only sad you have cancer. Please keep in frequent contact. We care!
    July 2013
  • Joachima
    Hello Gardener, and welcome !!!
    July 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Gardener. Welcome to What Next. There are lots of great people here. If you have any questions, please use the question tab above -- that way the entire network will have access & you'll get a quicker response. I'm also stage IV B endometrial cancer -- if there's anything I can help with, please holler. I'm glad you found us but sorry for the circumstances that led you here. Wishing you the best.
    July 2013