

  • meyati
    Hi, I like your post. I think that you hit it on the nail. Do you know why that's a good saying? The alternative is hittting your thumb.

    I've posted this as a question here-none answered. All over the clinics they have mindfulness sessions and classes posted, etc. Counselors talk about how it helps, what does it do. They can't tell me. So I ask, "Why should I invest what little energy I have, spend money that I don't have for something that nobody knows what it is?

    Washing dishes or mopping the floors has always done it for me. I'm focusing on really cleaning coffee cups or scrubbing next to the walls. I'm not thinking about Trump or Obama, I'm not thinking of cancer or how I've hated several of my doctors-my mind is pretty empty, which is what I want. Of course during therapy I watched Judge Judy and went to sleep. History lectures with a droning voice also helped.

    Thanks for what to me is the real reality-A cookie!
    December 2015
  • BoiseB
    So sad for the loss of your furry companion Sterling.
    November 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    I am so sorry about your kitty. :(:(:( Big hugs.
    November 2015
  • Mika
    Hi buckeyeshelby ..I just have a few question wanted to ask you why you did not have radiation..it seems all the post that I read people have radiation sandwich with chemo ..I also was staged 3 grade 1 but did not have radiation ..I was told stage 3 that had spread to 1 lymph nod and under the intestine ..do you happen to no recurrence for this stage..I was told endenocarcinoma that acted more like ovarian
    November 2015
  • wanwan1
    November 2015
  • ColetteChem
    Hello BuckeyeShelby, I have had a great experience at Bing Cancer Center. Everyone has been so nice and supportive.
    May 2015
  • Skully
    Thank you so much for your kindness to me as I begin my baby steps through this cancer diagnosis! It helps knowing I'm not alone in this terrible ordeal!
    September 2015
  • meyati
    Won't post on ? page.
    I received an Email request to join the group. Whoever said that they heard that I needed this. one of the oncologists or chaplains must have contacted WhatNext
    August 2015
  • meyati
    Odd, isn't it?
    August 2015
  • David-323871
    Hello how are you doing
    July 2015
  • David-323871
    I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV,Movies going to GYM and comedies,I love public intimacy and want a good woman with a good heart,one with good knowledge about love and who knows how a man is been treated,age or colour difference do not matter to me at all,as long as she loves me,I want a relationship that will last forever and won't fade no matter what

    July 2015
  • meyati
    Thanks, Buckeye---actually it's the 3 of us. We were joking last night if someone took the 3 of us, you'd get one person. Like when my hip was freshly injured, I couldn't get out of a chair sometimes, and it was hard. Levi with his crushed disc, and my 150% disabled vet son, with his fused spine would get up and help me out of the chair or let the hounds out. Sometimes I tried to get up, and fell on the floor, and I had to crawl to the kitchen table and pull myself up. Levi does dishes and math to focus and control pain. My son cooks, volunteers at United Way things that a slow moving shuffler can do- mostly shreds papers, inflates balloons for functions- things that just needs somebody to sit and do time consuming things. I spend lots of my time here, take care of my coon hounds. They are senior and they jump 3 feet up on a work table, where I brush their teeth and groom them. I can walk now with minimum pain.

    With my son in the VA spinal clinic, he always knows the small successes and the failures too. I just worry about the further clamping down on pain meds and clinics. They've started the VA pain clinics for vet suicide- and one expert said that vets cause their own problems that lead to addiction-I wrote that I think war caused the injuries- not the vets.
    June 2015
  • geekling

    Read your post as being "fired" by your doc. That just means the doctors in that office are at the end of their knowledge on how to help you. No worries. You will find smarter doctors, don't you think?.

    During going all through this nobody knew there was toxic mold in my house. The docs all wanted to give me happy pills because I complained about lack of energy and drive. Each one of them (I've been fired by dozens, lol) eventually had enough by my refusal to follow their guidelines because, in truth, they did not know how to help me and were upset by me not accepting their conclusions. Years later, after the mold had been discovered, many docs disbelieved I could possibly be allergic to the stuff or understood the concept, could imagine the consequences of radiation treatment while breathing mold in

    You'll know you have a good doctor when the doctor listens. We are all here to learn and, with great luck, your doctor is smarter than you and will be able to teach you how to better care for yourself.

    There were, literally, dozens of doctors who were unable to diagnose a cancer despite me spreading my cheeks, pointing to the tumor, and asking "What is that? Will you please remove it?"

    The oncologist I eventually chose was brilliant. The only one to ever opine: "Well, you did not get that from sunlight or smoking." when faced with the same diorama.

    I also had a hepatologist, down the line, who was little short of brilliant but still really smart. A cardiologist too.I will tell you, however, it was difficult to get these fellas to first listen but once they did, they were fine doctors with more knowledge than me at their disposal. I tell my current internist that I had to wait for him to grow up and go to school so I could have a decent doctor.

    There is a reason that, in any profession, 80% of the money is made by 20% of that profession's population. You will find someone better. Getting your medical records out of their hands would seem to be prudent.

    Best wishes.
    May 2015
  • Husband26
    Hi BuckeyeShelby, I am new to this site. Is there a way to send individual messages? I'd like to ask you something related to one of your past posts. Thanks!
    April 2015
  • Molly72
    Hi Shelby from an ex-Columbusite

    I moved to MI about 8 years ago & had all my cancers & illnesses up here in the "North Country"!

    I lived in Marble Cliff, which is a tiny area near Grandview.
    I miss all the good food in Columbus, but not the traffic... I now live in the country.
    Wishing you all the best, & as I said in an earlier message, wish we could go to the North Market for a ice cream from Jenni's.
    April 2015
  • dwen
    hello dear how are you doing ?
    March 2015
  • Bug
    Hi, BuckeyeShelby. I've been meaning to ask you… Are you a Snoopy fan? Every once in a while you make a comment about doing a Snoopy dance and I've wondered if you are a fan or just of his dancing? I'm a fan. :-)
    March 2015
  • Taostinese
    I thought I was looking at myself, we look very similar. Great to hear from a survivor as some days I don't know how I am going to get through. Luckily I have dogs to take care of so they get me up and moving no matter how down I am. I have 18 rounds of chemo to go through, five down already with much trouble the first three of them...now hopefully staying on the right track. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement.
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks Shelby
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks. The unknown can be scary.
    February 2015
  • Janet12
    First of all, I hope I am answering in the right place. Thank you for the words of encouragement. It is a good idea to keep a notebook, I am going to do that and as of now, I will start writing down my questions. I go in tomorrow for the biopsy so we'll see what happens! All the best to you
    February 2015
  • silvern8v
    I too am sarcastic and silly, gotta laugh. Do or die, laugh or cry. I do try to laugh most of the time. I am very optimistic about my outcome as well. Nice to find people who can relate to talk to. Looking at the internet as a whole made me feel hopeless...thanks for being here. :)
    January 2015
  • silvern8v
    Wow, beating this rare cancer at stage IV, you are an inspiration to me. Thank you for your encouragement.
    January 2015
  • denise735
    After your hysterectomy did you ever get any pain in the pelvic area, if you did how long did it last.
    December 2014
  • Asanayogini
    Cool reading , if you like vampires and the like read "The Historian" you won't be disappointed what a great story, also " the House Between The Worlds" my favorite story read it 3 x
    December 2014
  • Asanayogini
    Hi buckeye Shelby nice to meet a fellow reader, that enjoys books as much as I. What are you reading now? I am waiting on "Where Did She Go" ?. Right now it is in transit to my library, yay Happy Reading
    December 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hi hope you are well. It appears you did not have radiation? Thanks
    December 2014
  • Debbie-84781
    BuckeyeShelby - I just read your comments regarding anxiety/depression meds. You spoke of gerbils in your brain. And I burst out laughing because that's how I described my chemo brain to a mental health professional. Ativan doesn't seem to quiet the little buggers. Any other suggestions you feel comfortable sharing? Thanks!
    November 2014
  • Imagine1
    Dear BuckeyeShelby, thanks for your post, looks like you are a fighter too. I'll tell you one thing I have learn from this, never give up. We just moved to this new apt. it's closer to all the medical offices which is never ending right now. After a long day, a new neighbor of mine left a bag on my front door. She wrote a beautiful note telling us she found out about my husband and she was going to say a prayer for him and me. Another lady I me coming out of the medical center (a stranger) sat with me and we talked. She gave us a hug, well I just don't know but we got the good news Mon. and Tue. that my husband lab work is doing so well when they couldn't do anything before. Now we may start some type of treatment. I told my husband these have to be angels greeting us. Doctors just can't explain it.... Sending you hugs too.....Wishful1
    November 2014
  • Grammyma
    Hi, Buckeye Shelby, I am happy for you that you are still going! My granddaughter suffers from severe endometrias and I worry a lot about her. She and her husband, who also has a stomach problem, fight just to survive, not enough money, run-down house, etc. She will 32 on Dec. 30 and has suffered for years. I'm so afraid her's will turn into cancer. I have carcinoid and metatastes to liver. Recently underwent 2nd chemoembolization to liver and am still recovering, so can't help much. It is encouraging to learn that you've made it this far. My hugs and prayers to you that you will keep going!
    November 2014