Right now we are still trying to grips with t...
Member Posts: 1
Right now we are still trying to grips with this new struggles in our lives. We are definitely scare and worry about the future
That is similar to what I had done in 2012. I also had surgery to remove the section of my large intestine where a few cancerous lymph nodes existed. They removed that section along with a few non-cancerous surrounding tissue. So far, no cancer has appeared again.
Fortunately, I had a MediPort used to deliver chemotherapy into my system. I had a port in my shoulder that received chemo and sent it into my system. They pumped Folfox during a three day timeframe. One the 3rd day, the pump was removed around my waist because it was empty. They then used a solution sent through the port in my shoulder to prevent clotting. That port cleansing was necessary after chemo was done until the port was removed.
One of the most important pieces of advice: Folfox (an probably others) makes your hands/feet extremely sensitive. When I reached into the refrigerator I had to wear Ove Gloves. I found that simple carbs (bad white foods) like white rice, white bread, hot oatmeal, pasta minimized nausea. I was told to get ginger candy to combat the metallic taste in my mouth. I ate dark chocolate. My eyes were extremely sensitive to light during treatment, but that may be related to glaucoma I had before treatment. Get your eyes checked during treatment.0
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