Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Member Posts: 3
I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago, but it is small (less than 2 cm) and early. It was not a huge shock because two of my mother’s sisters died of breast cancer. I have decided on bilateral mastectomy (not nipple-sparing). If pathology on lymph nodes is positive, I will also have radiation therapy. I am thankful that I have a plan in place, a great medical team, awesome support from family and friends, and good insurance coverage.
You also have a great attitude! Very best wishes to you.0
That is wonderful. I wish you the very best.0
You also have a lot of people here at WhatNext that will be here for you. Things don't seem so overwhelming once you have a plan in place. Keep us posted on how you are doing. If we can help with any questions that you may have, don't hesitate to ask. Take care.0
My thoughts are with you. Mine was detected super early as just "calcifications" seen on a mammogram. You are so right- having a plan in place makes things so much easier to handle. And good insurance coverage- YES.
Well, now you have the WhatNext team too.
Just get this thing done and keep us posted.0 -
Great approach! I had bilateral with no radiation or anything 9 1/2 years ago. So glad I did not have reconstruction and go through those problems. Recreational prosthetics suit me just fine!0
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