Procedure or Surgery | stent to ureter
Member Posts: 7
Pat had a lower left abd tumor start to grow in Jan 2020. Well, it actually was growing before that for 2 months, but Jan is when we had to quit the clinical trial due to this growth. Eventually (March) it partially obstruct her left ureter, causing UTI-like complaints. It was decided by oncologist and urologist that a stent was needed to save the left kidney. The stent went in well, easy recovery, and peeing like a race horse. But, these stents only last 3-6 months! That is because the urine sediment "clings to the stent like barnacles on a boat", and then it has to be replaced. We hope to be in the next clinical trial by then and do away with the need for a stent.
One bad thing about this is now a need for constant antibiotics, and, of course, an anti-fungal to counteract the gut effects of the ATB!!
One bad thing about this is now a need for constant antibiotics, and, of course, an anti-fungal to counteract the gut effects of the ATB!!
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