Procedure or Surgery | Lumpectomy
Member Posts: 11
I was surprised to find that I am still felling pain and sensitivity a couple weeks after my lumpectomy.
A couple weeks? Hate to be a total bummer but I am still experiencing pain and sensitivity and it's going on three years. Hopefully you will see improvement in the next few weeks and get beyond this. Good luck.0
When nerves regenerate, you might get zings sometimes.0
I am almost eleven years out and still have tenderness in that area. I had pain for several years, especially those zingers. I used an ice pack in the evening while watching TV. My doctor said that was ok, but no heat.
Seems like most on here have an easy time with lumpectomy. I had mamosite radiation, so I thought it may have been due to that.
It will gradually get better.0 -
It’s been almost 10 months for me. I had a total mastectomy and I still feel sensitivity and pain. All the doctor says is, it will go away. Keep doing your exercises.0
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