Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Member Posts: 2
nausea, constipation, mood swings, sensitive to cold and hot, nose bleeds, water tastes bad, lack of appetite, unable to focus or drive vehicle
HI! Sorry for being disconnected lately, have had some slip and falls with 2 mother in laws! I had laproscopic surgery for my lung mets at Duke and found getting outdoors was a great for mood lifter....nature is a wonderful healer. I walked, talked, swore, pleaded...you name it!0
I had many of these. For the nausea, work with your oncologist, as I tweaked my chemo cocktail till 6th chemo. I used ativan for nausea as compazine and zofrna did nothing. I switched to emend IV from zofran, for constipation, I took mirolax with a glass of water everyday whether on chemo or not. At chemo 9, I started oatmeal for breakfast every day and no need to take mirolax anymore. I didn't go much during the couple of days of chemo, but didn;t eat a lot either as no appetite. I did not drive during chemo as unable to focus as you said, That time that I felt I could drive after chemo took longer with each consecutive chemo. In the beginning with chemo ending on a thur and it would be Sat. It ended at chemo 12 with it being on a Tue. For nose bleeds, I used a saline spray several times a day to not allow nasal passage to dry out. I would leave garden gloves hanging on fridge as couldn't touch cold stuff. I microwaved room temp water as too cold, I would let my yogurt sit out and even then nuke it a bit to eat, to avoid the throat feeling like it was closing feeling.0
I do many of same Things you did. Flavored oatmeal and fruits were the only things I could eat for days 1-8 when I did chemo. I didn’t take the anti nausea meds at home because they made me constipated And agitated/ impatient/ angry. I will try saline spray and maybe aquaphor for nose. I also let yogurt and fruits out until they warm up or I will start coughing and My throat Will close up. Hope you are well.thanks for your sharing0
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