Radiation | External radiation
Member Posts: 1
Had radiation dermatitis on breast and in arm pit, with radiation treatment. The skin was quite dry and irritated . Was difficult to keeping a dressing to area.
Yes, radiation did that to me too. My doctor prescribed some really great cream that helped tremendously!0
Aquaphor 2-4 times a day,except before the radiation.At Boston Medical they gave us samples on the 1st day.Very few people it may not of helped,but if you use it how/when they tell you I don't know why it wouldn't.I believe it's the best thing.I had so many samples sent to me after the fact that when i see these post I wish I still had them to ship to you or someone.But my stupidity made me throw them out a while after.I don't have room for storage.0
Calendula cream really had a calming effect on my radiation skin damage. I found it very soothing.0
I ended up using Vaseline, which worked better than the creams I had been given.0
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