Exactly what can we say here?

MarcieB Member Posts: 527
edited July 2021 in General Cancer
I am not a fan of vulgarities. I don't use that word that rhymes with duck, although it has become so commonplace it doesn't really shock me to hear it anymore. And I know people who pepper it in their everyday speech the way some people used *darn* so that has kind of defused it's power. If this site does not want us to use hell (H-E- double hockey sticks) or shitty, which is the same as crappy...can we use crappy? (rhymes with sappy). Even though those are sometimes the exact words we need to express how BAD things are...! I sometimes use damn (that thing beavers build) as an advective if what I am describing is heinous. And I am wondering if it is okay to say "...balls to the wall"? But, we should be permitted to use *penis* and *vagina* because those are correct, medical terms and better than any slang which all of us know! So, c'mon!
Are we now reduced to using: ^*#@! %#*)!...? Hmmmmm?
*&%!#@j*! to that!


  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited July 2021
  • MarcieB
    MarcieB Member Posts: 527
    edited July 2021
    Shoot! I can't even edit my {email redacted} thing! I think that is there because I used the circle-a email symbol in my silly string of mock profanities...Lol! Well, at least now we know we can banter about our *lady bits* but the word for male prowess is sacred. ;-)
  • cak61
    cak61 Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2021
    Again with the word peenis?
    (Misspelled on purpose).
    What word would they want used
    This is just ridiculous!!!
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited July 2021
    Cak61, yes, they XXX'd me for using that word PEN IS. I guess the PEN IS all powerful.
  • cak61
    cak61 Member Posts: 42
    @legaljen1969, I know, that's why I said again!
    That is the correct word. I don't understand what word should be used?
    We can say vagina.
    What am I missing here?