Surgeon comments during needle biopsy?
Member Posts: 4
Did your surgeon/radiologist make any comments about the specimen sample they received during a core biopsy? What did they say?
Mine said:
-normally, lymph nodes roll around like a marble when trying to insert a needle, but mine was staying put, seemed to be attached to the surface underneath.
-something about “I thought this would be a normal, sludgy lymph, but these samples are actually quite firm. Probably not lymphoma though, since this one is only 2 cm. [it doubled in size since my PET scan two months ago though]
Then the NP made a comment, either about the lymph node displayed on the US, or about the samples, I’m not sure: “It’s strange how *something about the outside of whatever it was looking normal* but then this really thick, dense spot in the center.”
I have no idea what that means. I will be finding out soon, I know, but just curious what others experiences were with the consistency of their samples.
Mine said:
-normally, lymph nodes roll around like a marble when trying to insert a needle, but mine was staying put, seemed to be attached to the surface underneath.
-something about “I thought this would be a normal, sludgy lymph, but these samples are actually quite firm. Probably not lymphoma though, since this one is only 2 cm. [it doubled in size since my PET scan two months ago though]
Then the NP made a comment, either about the lymph node displayed on the US, or about the samples, I’m not sure: “It’s strange how *something about the outside of whatever it was looking normal* but then this really thick, dense spot in the center.”
I have no idea what that means. I will be finding out soon, I know, but just curious what others experiences were with the consistency of their samples.
My only relative experience was when I had a sentinel axilary node biopsied during my lumpectomy. I’m just writing to wish you good luck with your results. Please keep us posted.0
It seems like whenever I've had a procedure done the person or persons doing it didn't say a word - whether positive or negative. I know it's really hard but hang in there while you wait for the results. Be gentle with yourself and please keep us posted.0
In all my medical experiences, I've found the technicians to be SILENT on the topics of what you may have, what the samples may mean, etc. I think it is MUCH more professional for them to be QUIET rather than to leave you in limbo like this until you get a chance to talk to your Doctor. I feel strongly about this; if you do, too, you might want to mention it to the Doc how these comments unnerved you. The Doc needs to know that the techs are doing this to patients! Good luck.
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