Fun Friday
Member Posts: 763
Does anyone have something fun planned for the weekend? Our county eliminated mask mandates but some municipalities still have it. So it will be interesting to see how this first mask free weekend goes. I hope we don’t end up with lots of new COVID cases. I hope it’s a success. Not because I am ideologically opposed to masks, but because it’s hot as heck here and summer will feel a lot nicer without masks.
Speaking of which, to keep it relevant, as the temps heat up what is your favorite sun protection?
Speaking of which, to keep it relevant, as the temps heat up what is your favorite sun protection?
Wish we had the sun here to worry about--Yesterday it snowed! Didn't stick but snow, rain, and gloomy weather.
I love the sun, but also know its dangers. Especially, as I have had Melanoma and numerous skin cancers leading to numerous ugly scars. According to my friend and cancer researcher doctor, I have a propensity due to an errant gene or two for cancer. So I don't stay in the sun too long, that is when there is sun!
Masks are uncomfortable, and down in the hot & humid south, they would be miserable, but we want y'all to stay safe.
Michigan is now the red hot spot for Covid because many people are not practicing safe behaviors. Maybe that is so in the big city, but where I live, just about every one wears a mask. The college kids partied down south, didn't stay safe & dragged the virus back north. Our hospitals are full, thousands are dying, yet some people refuse the vaccine for this or that reason.
Maybe legaljen, that would be another question for another day: Why do some people refuse the vaccination? Or would that be asking for trouble?
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Molly, I don't think it's asking for trouble to ask why people refuse the vaccination. I will start a separate thread in case people do want to stay with "Fun Friday" here.0
I use Olay Regenerist lotion with sunscreen on my face and neck and I have never had a problem. If I were going to be in the sun all day, like at the beach, I would re-enforce my protection with a stronger sunscreen, but I don't have a favorite brand. I wear sun guard tees (both long and short sleeves) from Land's End and prefer to find a sunscreen I can spray on my legs. the only place I have had a problem is the tops of my feet...which I forget! I can see now that my hair is a bit thinner, I am going to have to stock up on cute hats, I don't want to burn my scalp!
It's a good question, but I think asking why some people refuse the vaccination might indeed stir up a hornet nest. And we already have more than enough buzz going on...;-)0 -
Oh well Marcie, I have hit the hornet's nest with my "stupid stick" so let's see where it goes.
As for "scalp sunscreen" I have used both Banana Boat and SunBum products. Both leave my hair pretty weighted down, but of the two- I prefer SunBum. I think I am going to try COOLA products as well if I am going to be out and about and won't have a hat. I think investing in a great beach hat will be good though.0 -
Now, I want to hear what people have planned.... gardening? Walking around town? Sports? Binge watching a show? Seeing family?0
I am laughing at *hit the hornet's nest with my "stupid stick!" I am only laughing because I do it myself...on a regular basis! ;-)0
Marcie, its okay. I hope you do laugh. Molly said she was wondering about the reasons people have rejected the vaccine. In order to spark conversation, I figured I might as well take my plug in blender into the pool and really stir it up.0
We NEED a little "stir things up!' Well, I mean, we need to get more people here talking. I appreciate your questions and comments.0
Actually went out to eat this weekend! INSIDE!!!! (MarcieB-- we went to Thompson's Pizza in Chelsea)
Everyone wore their masks & tables were widely separated, it was so nice to not have to cook.
The place had tons of carryout customers, all waiting in their cars in the parking lot.
Good pizza too.0 -
@Molly, I am so glad you got to go "out to eat" INSIDE. I am sure that is a big step there. Most places here TRY to get stay distanced, but unfortunately the more the tourist season ramps up- the greater the demand. I think people have just decided to "live." They are coming here in droves and with horrid attitudes that everything MUST be open and "normal" because they are on vacation. They are going above and beyond to try to make up for last year. And some are doing really well. Several restaurants sold out 2-3 nights last week on takeout alone and limited outdoor seating. There are several restaurants that have gotten tables, expanded sidewalks, added decks- all to try to make outdoor space and areas where people will feel comfortably spaced.
I was going into a restaurant that I frequent the other day and there were some people out on the porch who were cursing at the server because they were made that cars were in the parking lot when they were trying to have dinner outdoors. I usually order takeout ahead of time and I always wait outside if they are not finished with my order yet. She mentioned that they could be seated indoors but that was not satisfying them. These people insisted that it had "never been this way before" and the server sort of laughed and said 'Well, this is the first year we have offered outdoor seating for our patrons. We hoped it would make people feel more comfortable and able to distance." They had a table full of empty plates and it was apparent they were trying to get a reduced price or a free meal. As soon as she went inside, they hopped up to leave. I have never been one of those "let me video a crime taking place" people but these people were beyond the pale so I did take out my camera. The server came back out and said VERY POLITELY, excuse me, you haven't paid yet. The guy said "And we aren't going to either." She went back to get the owner. These restaurant owners have become friends of mine over the past several years. I kept video on. I got their license plate number and everything, including the guy refusing to pay. I was not about to let them get scammed. I did call the police and give them a report and a copy of my video. I hope the jerks were caught and forced to pay. Either that, or I hope they dined on the finest that the detention center had to offer- and probably not in a lovely al fresco setting.0 -
Wow, they had some nerve trying not to pay! Legaljen, I for one am proud of you for taking action! Those people are criminals and probably do this all the time! Good for you! I hope they get caught and enjoy the indoor dining in jail!0
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