Member Posts: 6
I was given Taxotere, I am now permanently bald. I was not allowed to join the law suit that was advertised on TV. The lawsuit stated that Onocolgist’s were not told that this type of chemo would cause baldness. Someone who was handling the lawsuit came to my home took pictures of my head, help me fill out a 30 or more page questionnaire . I was later told since I did not have any pictures of me with my own hair a year or six months before taking chemo, they could not prove that the hair loss was due to the chemo . However, I know that is the only reason I am bald. Has anyone else experience this with Taxotere . Also if so did you received any type of monetary settlement.
After taxotere I look like a dandelion gone to seed, I did not join a lawsuit.0
I received Taxotere, but the literature I was given to read in advance stated that the hair loss could be permanent. And it saved my life, so there’s that.0
As much as I miss having a full head of hair had I been informed at the time of the possibility of permanent hair loss I would have still taken the recommended protocol. It worked.0
I've had Taxotere also,, along with my youngest daughter,, we both lost our hair,, it did grow back,but not like it was originally,, I'm going on 8 years of dealing with this cancer the 3 time,,
I'll deal with any type of cancer, and chemo,, to be able to wake up each morning.
Good Luck to all,,
God Bless0 -
Oh, my! I feel your pain, Pokey. I've been bald 3 times while on this journey. Now, I look like a balding man. Being a sewer, I've made a scarf to match my outfits from my stash of material. I tried the wig thing. TOO HOT. I even have one for the Reds & Bengals. Good luck on your journey0
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