Shots/Vaccinations Scheduled
Member Posts: 763
I got my vaccination scheduled for this coming Friday. Hubby's too.
Yay! Good for you.
We get our second one on Thursday.
It gives such a sense of relief!
Can't wait to see my 90 year old parents.0 -
Good news! The more of us who get vaccinated, the quicker we can see "Masks optional" on the signs that are posted in store doors. Seriously, I am so OVER the mask thing...don't get me wrong, I comply, I'm just sick of it.
I hope you will not have any ill effects, do you know which vaccine you will recieve?0 -
Marcie, I will be getting the Moderna vaccine. I am not exactly thrilled with that, but I am checking to see if I can get on another list as well, I just want to get it done and move on so we can get back to family gatherings and "mask optional" as well. Like you, I comply but I am ready for it to be done. I am NOT insensitive to others. I do not lack compassion for my fellow man. I am so sick of these narratives that if I don't like something, I am selfish and lack concern for humanity.0
I received my second one March 23. I was fortunate, no side effects.0
Congratulations on getting appointments. Good to hear.0
I got my covid shots & was finally able to get the shingles shots. I feel like I'm covered until Fall. I so much want to see my grandson in FL.0
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