Ostomy Bleeding between stoma and abdominal wall
Member Posts: 12
Has anyone experienced bleeding where the stoma attaches to the abdominal wall? Colostomy is almost 8 months out and have never had this issue.
Chemo and Avastin have dropped platelets to 50's and nose bleeds as well as bleeding around stoma. Surgeon has cauterized the area 3 times thus far and now another spot has started bleeding after being blood from in ostomy for 5 days.
Any ideas to stop the bleeding?
We were looking and saw where some suggested nasal spray or milk of magnesia. Can you use Marathon in that area?
Chemo and Avastin have dropped platelets to 50's and nose bleeds as well as bleeding around stoma. Surgeon has cauterized the area 3 times thus far and now another spot has started bleeding after being blood from in ostomy for 5 days.
Any ideas to stop the bleeding?
We were looking and saw where some suggested nasal spray or milk of magnesia. Can you use Marathon in that area?
You need to call your oncologist. We aren't doctors and can't recommend what to do. You could make it worse without guidance from your oncology team. I took Avastin with Folfox - six cycles were after my ostomy surgery, and I didn't experience what you're having. But Avastin definitely increases the risk of bleeding, like nose bleeds and it can increase healing times. Please call your oncology team today.0
We saw the oncologist's nurse practitioner twice (while the oncologist was on stay-catiion) and tehn saw the oncologist. The oncologist sent him to the surgeon, the surgeon cauterized it 3 times, and then said see the Gastrologist... Almost a month later (today) and we finally got to see the gastrologist. He said the surgeon got the bleeding that could be cauterized and the rest is due to the low platelets and the avastin. He said the ostomy looks good and to keep doing what we are doing unless we see a large amount of blood, then call him and tell his staff he said to work him in same day or next day. And as all of you know, Covid has made all of this SOOOO much worse than it should be.
On a good note, our state has opened covid vaccines to the vulnerable population and we have appointments to receive them tomorrow.0 -
Karenb1, I'm sorry about this situation. It sounds like the bleeding has lessened so that's good. And it's good news that the surgeon thinks the ostomy looks good. Hang in there.
How did the vaccinations go?0 -
Update: I finally gave up on the doctors being able to stop the bleeding and called the ostomy nurse from the hospital.where he had the surgery (she had given me her card in May) she suggested he take mirapex to keep the stool as soft as possible and to use stoma powder around the stoma twice to create a crust
No bleeding since last Wednesday. First time since 12/26 that he has gone a week without bleeding. Thank god she returned my call and was able to help.
Fyi we all had sore arms for a couple of days from the vaccine. I felt like I was coming down with a cold for a few days. But well worth it, if it keeps us safe. Hoping to get our second dose on Friday, if the ice storm does not postpone it.0 -
Although one person with similar experiences was advised to use saline solution on the nose to keep it clear. Also, advice to drink more water helped with regularity of stools. Dehydration caused issues.0
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