piqray side effects

Kayelen Member Posts: 2
edited 2020 10 in General Cancer
piqray side effects


  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 08
    I'm really sorry, Kayelen, that I can't help with your question. I never heard of piqray... Hopefully someone who has will be able to answer you. In the meantime, you might want to contact your oncologist's office if you're having side effects. Also I think the pharmaceutical company that makes drugs often has a lot of information for people. That seems to be the case at least for immunotherapies...
  • Ashera
    Ashera Member Posts: 94
    Hi Kayelen! I did a little Dr. Google-ing and learned that Piqray is the brand name of the drug
    alpellisib for MBC. The drug's website is: https://www.us.piqray.com/ and they looked to have a boatload of info for the patient. Good luck!