Accuracy of results
Member Posts: 84
For me, multiple CEA tests were done. Multiple colonoscopies were done. I have heard colon cancer can spread primarily to the lungs or liver. Does a CEA detect any recurrence in a part other than the colon?
When I was diagnosed at my colonoscopy at 50, I went for bloodwork right afterwards. My CEA level did not indicate I had colon cancer. I was diagnosed stage 3 from surgery.0
A rising CEA might indicate that our cancer has spread. But CEA can also rise from inflammation or a severe infection. I am a Stage IV rectal cancer survivor, dx six years ago. My oncologist told me that if my CEA took a sudden jump upwards, that she would repeat the CEA test in six weeks and see if it was still going up or if it settled back down. My CEA was 37 at the time of my diagnosis, and now fluctuates between 1.3 and 1.8.0
Mine was 8.9 dx with statge 3C now Stage 4 with mets to peritoneal cavity and about 1.7 so not all inclusive.0
According to my oncologist the CEA will show cancer elsewhere. I had the same experience as myb, CEA showing no cancer but colonoscopy showing cancer. He is still having me take blood tests every 3 months, being mainly concerned with checking the liver.0
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