Timely response for steroids to kick in and start to do their job?
Member Posts: 742
it's been years ago since I had shemo with a dose of steroids to help. Its only been 2 days so far but I think I can feel a difference in before and after for me.
What has been the time of response to yours?
What has been the time of response to yours?
I could be wrong, but I think they begin to work right away. I never knew why I was taking them when I took them at chemo time.0
They can be miracle makers. I got stung by a wasp on my little finger, and my entire forearm and red and swollen within our hour so I went to urgent care. They gave me a steroid shot and a 10-day round of steroids. Within 12 hours, things were getting better. Let's hope that steroids will help your swelling and pain - they will also increase your appetite.0
Which steroid and at what dosing schedule? IIRC, 1-2 days you should notice the effects - both good and perhaps the not so good.0
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