Low TSH levels after total thyroidectomy 20 years ago

Jackalita Member Posts: 3
edited 2022 14 in Thyroid Cancer
My doctor says that my TSH level is good for someone with a history of thyroid cancer, but I've been feeling sleepy for a long time. Normal range for TSH is supposed to be .350 - 5.0 mcUnits/mL - Mine remains at <0.008 My T3 is 1.28 (middle of normal), and my free T4 is 1.8, which is past the high end of normal (0.8 to 1.5). Anyone else keeping TSH that low?


  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    my doctor tracks my thyroid function just about every time he has blood drawn. It took us a while to get it right with medications, but all of my values are within the normal range. I am surprised your doctor isn't trying to make adjustments to your medications.
  • Jackalita
    Jackalita Member Posts: 3
    My doctor said it is fine for someone with a history of thyroid cancer. I am thinking of going to see an endocrinologist.
  • Thycan
    Thycan Member Posts: 2
    It sounds like you are quite hyperthyroid at <0.008. Not a doctor by any means, But I believe you might not have to be kept that suppressed. I am 21 years out and I'm monitored by an endocrinologist. Yes, definitely seek out an endocrinologist, preferably one with experience treating folks with thyroid cancer. By the way, have you had a bone density test? Being suppressed for all of these years can do a number on your bones leading to osteoporosis or osteopenia.Good luck!
  • Jackalita
    Jackalita Member Posts: 3
    So interesting. I am scheduled for a bone density scan this week. Hoping for the best. I will look for an endocrinologist with thyroid cancer experience.