Pain medication causing itching all over?
Member Posts: 742
it's been so many years since I had pain medication regularly maybe I just don't remember, but I am having spells of itching. My head, arms, legs, everywhere basically. Normal?
Could be a side effect of the Keytruda. Maybe try some benedryl, especially if you don't mind taking a nap.0
Definitely report this to your doctor, pronto. I recently broke out all over after three days of a drug, figures. It gave me energy but, can’t use it, call your doc.0
Itching, unless initiated by an external factor (insect sting, etc.) is generally an immune system response. An allergic reaction, or even stress (not that you've had any of THAT...) can cause the immune system to fire. I'm with KB2013. Calls are cheap.0
I have a high tolerance for pain. I got shingles after my 3rd chemo. A couple of weeks later the pain from shingles manifested as severe itching. The doctor at MD Anderson in Houston said that will happen to people with a high tolerance for pain.
I agree to let your doctor know immediately. Might be something else.0 -
Yes, let the doctor know right away. I have another friend who is having to take pain medication that is making her itch. She's been trying to get it squared away with her pain management specialist who doesn't believe her that she's itching. Certain opioids are known to cause itching. He finally gave her something else to try. She said she hasn't itched all day.
I am really hoping she gets approved for a new pain doctor soon. This one is really rude and condescending.0 -
My research nurse contacted us about this issue today and confirmed what were thinking, it is from the pain medicine0
Greg, just remembered: Are you taking opioids (Tramadol, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone)? Itch is one of the primary side effects. -
Greg: Looks like you got some really good advice. I had some itching from my chemo in '06. Benadryl was the culprit. You just can't be too careful with any drugs.0
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