Any idea what can help blurry vision while going thru chemo? Are there eye drops?
Member Posts: 7
Any idea what can help blurry vision while going thru chemo? Are there eye drops?
Hmmm. Sorry to hear this. Have you checked the common and less common side effects of each of the drugs (chemo and otherwise) you are taking? If blurred vision is not on the list, I would call doctor and mention it. It may also be prudent to schedule an ophthalmologist visit. Any number of things could be at work here. If you are taking or receiving steroids (prednisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone etc.), they can lead to cataracts which blur your vision - just went through that.0
Although I went through a different cancer treatment, I had both blurry vision and double vision. I couldn't read, crochet or do much of anything. It was really bad.
Check with your doctor. But I think this is pretty typical of treatment. Chemo messes with so much. Once chemo ended, it took a while to get back to normal. Hugs.0 -
I don't recall blurred vision but my eyes hurt like the devil. The overhead fluorescent lights at my treatment center (or anywhere) hurt like the devil. I finally called ophthalmologist and was diagnosed with an inflammation of one of the membranes in my eye no doubt caused by chemo. He prescribed drops which eventually cleared it up. But, yes, some chemo can cause or speed up the growth of cataracts.0
What everyone has said is true. Blurry vision can come from a wide variety of causes. I was taking Avastin (a targeted therapy) along with chemo, and my vision got blurry. I wear glasses for distance, and I went to my regular optometrist for a check up - turned out that my vision had dramatically improved. I had to get new glasses. Avastin caused my hear-sightedness to improve.0
Thank you all for the input. I have appointment with my eye doctor Tomorrow. I’m hoping there are drops or maybe my eyesight has changed because of chemo. I do take dexamethasone the day before chemo and for 2 days after. We will see what happens tomorrow. Thank you again for this information0
Wishing you good luck with your ophthalmologist tomorrow. Please update us when you can...0
I have had glaucoma since I was 30 years old and have been taking eye drops for a while.
I experienced blurred vision and light sensitivity. Just to play it safe, get your eyes checked for glaucoma. My pressure went way up and I had to get eye surgery asap to lower pressure.0
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