Being prepared
Member Posts: 6
Or not being prepared.
In 2013 I underwent surgery for my thyroid cancer. I was also told I have metastasis of Thyroid cancer in my lungs. This September we are addressing the nodules because they have continued to grow. Both lungs are involved , and there are multiple nodules. Apparently I am not mentally prepared right now. Only a little over a month from now I need to be ready to meet a pulmonary doctor. My mood has been horrible. Thank God my husband still has patience. Being careful about the pandemic leaves us all saddened. But right now it is more difficult than I expected. Having to travel from Maine to Boston MA is a whole new issue because of Cover 19. How can I feel more prepared
In 2013 I underwent surgery for my thyroid cancer. I was also told I have metastasis of Thyroid cancer in my lungs. This September we are addressing the nodules because they have continued to grow. Both lungs are involved , and there are multiple nodules. Apparently I am not mentally prepared right now. Only a little over a month from now I need to be ready to meet a pulmonary doctor. My mood has been horrible. Thank God my husband still has patience. Being careful about the pandemic leaves us all saddened. But right now it is more difficult than I expected. Having to travel from Maine to Boston MA is a whole new issue because of Cover 19. How can I feel more prepared
This is a really good question.
What would you normally do when you're troubled? Reach out to a friend or counselor? Pray or meditate? Have a good cry (often)? Do something artistic? Do you have questions about the situation and/or the surgery? You could make a list for the doctor. I would do whatever it takes to try to settle my mind.
Something else I would do is make sure I'm prepared in terms of what I would need at the hospital (e.g., reading material, cell phone and charger, etc.) and when I return home (e.g., coziest jammies and blankets are ready for use, reading material, place on the couch or bed set up for my return, etc.). Having those things in place might help you feel a little more in control. (And these are just ideas. I'm sure others will have more and better suggestions.)
And, then, friend, you just do it. I'm disappointed that I can't come up with anything better than that but I think it's all we can do. Just do it. It's what needs to be done so we do it. Unfortunately, some things we just can't avoid.
You can do this. I know it doesn't seem that way right now but you really can.
And, BTW, anyone's mood would be horrible. It's a tough thing to do during a tough time. Please be kind to yourself through all of this.
Please let us know when your meeting is with the pulmonary doctor and when your surgery will be. Your WhatNext family will be there with you in spirit.0 -
This stupid virus is getting worse around us and we have to drive 3 hours away into the "big city" to the hospital to have anything done for me. It's a safe place against the virus I think, they don't allow anyone on the campus without testing with temps, for whatever that does, and asking a few questions. But anyone could have the virus and just say they felt fine. If the temp check doesn't catch them they would go on in. But for me, I have been tested 3 times, negative each time, and I have to get tested next week 48 hrs before my next procedure.
Other than do our part, there's not much else we can do. Just assume that everything is going to be fine and push on through.0 -
I don't blame you for being worried and scared. I am amazed they have let the masses in your lungs grow for 7 years without taking action before now.
Do you know what is going to be done when you go to the pulmonologist in September?
@Bug had a lot of great suggestions!
Like @GregP_WN has discovered, the hospital my husband was in after his stroke had the same procedures to check for COVID. They checked my temp, asked a bunch of questions, made me use hand sanitizer and use on of their masks. Then, they also checked who i was going to see to ensure it was someone I was allowed to see (COVID patients couldn't have visitors).
I wasn't all that concerned about getting the virus there.
I am glad your husband understands the stress you are under and is being patient with you. I can certainly imagine it is stressful worrying about what is to come.
Good luck! (We are pretty good listeners here if you need a shoulder.)0 -
I would say that, if you have a belief system, world view, cultural practice or religion, to dive into it. All such systems deal with illness and suffering. All offer varying degrees of comfort and help in preparing for what lies ahead. In my case, my faith prepared me for, and has sustained me through 12 years of constant cancer and transplant rejection issue treatment.
Apocalyptic rock musician Warren Zevon, after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, gave this simple but sage advice: "Enjoy every sandwich."0 -
I will be meeting with the Pulmonologist for the first time. My Oncologist and Endocrinologist will also be involved. There is no chemotherapy available for the tall cell papilary thyroid cancer. This is why no treatment has been so far. We definitely did internal nuclear treatment that suppressed the growths. Two of the the growths have grown to a size that requires the Pulmonologist..But of course one in each lung.
Thank you all for your suggestions. I see a counselor once every two weeks. He has been through this with me since the beginning. I really appreciate having this sight available to all of us.0 -
I am so sorry to hear that you are having to deal with so much at this difficult time with the virus and all the comes with it. You've gotten some great advice from the "team" here. We all handle coping so differently but for me, I'd probably dive in and do some research because I find that preparing helps me feel more in control. I'm glad you have a solid support system, at home and here online. I've had some experience with lung mets and am happy to share when you get to that point. Hoping for some peace for you.0
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